Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Invest in Founders Mutual Funds

Founders is a financial company that manages eight Dreyfus Founders Funds. The company specializes in growth-oriented mutual funds. Follow these steps to invest in mutual funds at Founders.

Invest in Founders Mutual Funds

Download a prospectus from the Founders Web site (see the Resources section below). You can also call (800) 525-2440 to request a prospectus.

Call (800) 896-8283 to reach a financial professional who can help you invest in Founders mutual funds. Only grandfathered shareholders (including institutional shareholders) can purchase shares. Find out more about eligibility requirements by calling this number.

Understand the Investment Policies of Founders

Read the prospectus, which reveals the investment objectives and strategies of the funds. Study the "Fund Summaries" section of the prospectus for information on specific funds.

Assess the potential risks of investing in Founders mutual funds. Read the prospectus to find information on the potential risks of the investment strategies pursued by a fund.

Remember to study the charges and fees associated with Founders funds. The prospectus lists the fees associated with each fund. Grandfathered shareholders do not pay transaction fees (on buying, selling or exchanging shares), but they may pay wire-transfer fees.

Manage Your Account

Use the "Shareholders" section of the Founders Web site to manage your account online.

Check the current prices of your shares online. Visit the Founders Web site, or look up the ticker symbols associated with the funds on various financial Web sites.

Tips & Warnings

  • Sign up on the Founders Web site for a daily e-mail service that sends you the current net asset value (NAV) of Founders funds.
  • The company's one prospectus provides information on all of the firm's mutual funds.
  • Class F shares of Dreyfus Founders Funds are available only on a "grandfathered" basis. That is, only individuals and institutions that have had fund accounts continuously since December 30, 1999, may purchase shares. The exception is that individuals can receive shares as gifts from grandfathered shareholders.
  • Dreyfus Founders Funds are not available to investors outside the United States.

Invest in Forester Mutual Funds

The Forester Value Fund is a large value fund managed by Thomas H. Forester. Twice during the years from 2000 to 2005, Morningstar has ranked it as the top-performing large-cap value fund. The fund looks for undervalued stocks with significant appreciation potential.

Invest in Forester Mutual Funds

Download a prospectus and application from the Forester Funds Web site (see Resources below). You can also call the company's toll-free number--(800) 388-0365--to request an application and prospectus.

Download forms from the Forester Funds Web site to open an IRA account. You can open a traditional IRA, a Roth IRA or a Coverdell IRA, which lets you save money to cover educational expenses.

Transfer funds from an existing IRA into the Forester mutual fund. The company offers a downloadable form on its Web site for this purpose.

Purchase shares in the Forester Fund through a brokerage firm, such as Charles Schwab, Ameritrade or Fidelity. You can also buy into the fund through your current brokerage firm.

Use the forms you download or receive in the mail to purchase shares of the fund directly from the company.

Understand the Investment Strategy of Forester Mutual Funds

Understand that the Forester Value Fund purchases a selection of bargain stocks. The fund invests in a variety of sectors and looks for bargains across the market in the stocks of large-cap companies.

The Forester Value Fund uses hedging and diversification to reduce risk and maximize performance relative to the S&P 500.

The fund's managers choose stocks by concentrating on underlying stock fundamentals (for example, earnings, assets or dividends) rather than the market's assessment of whether a stock is poised for rapid future growth.

Tips & Warnings

  • If you have questions about Forester mutual funds, e-mail the company at invest@forestervalue.com.
  • Most brokerage firms allow you to invest online. You can also invest via postal mail.
  • Investment experts advise new investors to carefully read the prospectus of a mutual fund before investing in it.
  • Forester mutual funds are not insured by the FDIC, nor are they guaranteed to perform as they have in the past.

3.Technical Analysis Lesson 3: Second 3 Tenets of Dow Theory

This is another video i found on youtube by InformedTrades.com. Hopefully the information i provide will be useful to everyone.

The third lesson in a series on technical analysis for forex, futures, and stock traders which introduces the last 3 tenets of down theory.

Monday, September 29, 2008

Invest in Fixed Income Mutual Funds

For regular income, diversification and liquidity, fixed-income funds fit the bill. These mutual funds typically invest in mortgages, bonds or both. Primary investment targets for funds in this category include companies of various sizes, government entities and municipalities. Fixed income mutual funds are available through a number of investment firms and offer a way to earn current income while simultaneously managing investment risks.

Understand Fixed Income Fund Categories

Think of fixed income mutual funds as falling into three different categories. With your investment objectives in mind, determine the categories that are best suited to your investment needs.

Know that the first category consists of investments that are considered liquid. Such investments may include, but are not limited to, municipal and taxable money-market funds.

Realize that the second category includes investments that are fairly stable and capable of offering moderate income and some capital preservation. These investments may include higher-quality municipal or corporate bonds and long-term Treasury securities.

Understand that the last category consists of higher-yield investments. These funds have a higher level of volatility, as well as the potential for higher returns. Assets are invested for two or more years.

Determine the amount you want to invest. With some funds, you must make a sizeable lump-sum investment; others will allow you to invest smaller amounts on a monthly basis.

Choosing a Fund

Understand how fixed income funds work. Essentially, the bond or debt instrument issuer agrees to repay the principal on a particular date. The issuer then goes on to make interest payments over the life of the security.

Understand that bonds are generally less risky and volatile, over the short term, than stocks. However, by choosing to invest in bond funds, you do incur interest rate and default risks.

Research and compare fixed income mutual funds using online investment research sites, like MorningStar.com and LipperWeb.com. Pay attention to fund ratings and rankings.

Request prospectuses for the fixed income funds that fit well with your objectives. Review them, paying special attention to objectives, investment strategies and fees.

Contact your broker or financial adviser and review the fixed income funds you are considering. Purchase shares of the income funds of your choice.

Tips & Warnings

  • As you begin to invest in fixed income mutual funds, keep in mind that diversification doesn't guarantee profit or provide ironclad protection from loss. However, less diversified funds are typically more volatile than others.

Invest in Dynamic Mutual Funds

A leading Canadian investment company, Dynamic offers a range of investments products, including mutual funds. Dynamic traces its financial endeavors back to 1957, when it began as a 50-member investment club. Today, the company offers mutual funds managed with commitment to innovation, discipline, talent and teamwork. Goodman & Company manages the majority of Dynamic mutual funds, embracing a worldwide philosophy.

Understand Dynamic's investment disciplines. They fall primarily under the categories of value, power and focus.

Recognize that Dynamic Value Funds are invested in companies that are basically solid, but are currently undervalued. These funds seek to realize long-term potential.

Know that Dynamic Power Funds use corporate profitability trends as markers for investment potential. These funds invest for maximum gains while keeping risk to a minimum.

Realize that Dynamic Focus Funds utilize a long-term investment approach, concentrating on exceptional businesses in industries with a great deal of longevity. These funds seek outstanding returns, the minimization of capital risk, and the reduction of tax impact.

Review and compare mutual funds available at the company's Web site (link can be found in the Resources section below). Request prospectuses of the funds that interest you and review them.

Visit the Morningstar Research Inc. Web site (link can be found in the Resources section below) and research similar mutual funds. Compare Dynamic mutual funds to other funds in the same classes.

Speak with a financial professional to solidify your investment strategy and outline the steps necessary to meet your goals. Determine the funds that will allow you to move forward in accomplishing your goals.

Contact a registered securities dealer, financial advisor or broker to make your Dynamic funds purchase.

Tips & Warnings

  • A financial advisor can be helpful in establishing investment objectives and strategizing ways to reach your goals. If you do not have a financial advisor, you may request a referral from Dynamic.
  • Dynamic provides a wide range of mutual fund information on its website, including annual reports and prospectuses.
  • It is wise to establish timeframes for your investment goals. By doing so, you make it easy to invest in the funds that are best suited to your needs.
  • Remember that all investments carry some level of risk. With mutual funds, you could lose money or purchasing power. You could also fail to reach your goal. By making careful mutual fund selections and diversifying your investments, you may be able to reduce these risks and increase your chances of obtaining satisfactory results.

Forex, Futures, and Stock Market Daily Report

This is another video i found on youtube by InformedTrades.com. Hopefully the information i provide will be useful to everyone.

A daily report entitled all the data that matters for the stock market, futures market, and forex market. Lots of information for active traders of all kinds.

Sunday, September 28, 2008

Invest in Dreyfus Mutual Funds

Headquartered in New York City, the Dreyfus Corporation was established in 1951. Dreyfus, a wholly owned subsidiary of Mellon Financial Corporation, is a leading mutual fund company, managing nationwide assets in excess of $190 billion. Dreyfus offers a number of mutual funds, making diversification simple.

Dreyfus Bond Funds

Know that Dreyfus bond funds include index, short-term, intermediate and long-term bond funds.

Understand that index bond funds emulate a bond market index.

Recognize that short-term funds invest in bonds with average maturities of three years or less; intermediate funds focus on bonds with average maturities of 10 years or less.

Realize that long-term bond funds are not limited to bonds of certain maturities, but typically include those with maturities of more than 10 years.

Dreyfus Equity Funds

Know that the primary investment of Dreyfus premier equity funds is common stocks. Depending on the fund in question, a growth, value or blend investment style may be employed and small, mid-cap or large-cap companies may be targeted for investment.

Realize that small-cap equity funds invest in securities issued by smaller companies. These companies may have high potential for growth, but are generally more of a risk than companies that are larger with longer track records.

Understand that mid-cap equity funds focus on medium-sized companies. Securities from such companies may offer more balanced risks versus rewards.

Recognize that large-cap mutual funds focus on investing in the largest, most stable companies. Often, these business are referred to as blue-chip companies.

Understand that growth equity funds typically invest in companies with proven profitability and established finances. These companies have great potential for earnings.

Know that value equity funds focus on stocks that are undervalued, often due to developments that are expected to be short-term in nature.

Realize that blend equity funds include both value and growth stocks, allowing a wide range of investment options.

Understand that Dreyfus index equity funds focus on matching returns from particular market indexes. Changes are made in an index fund in accordance with changes in the specific index. This method is aimed at taking advantage of the stock market's potential.

International equity funds invest in securities issued by companies in foreign markets. A fund may focus on a particular region, a specific market or several markets.

Tips & Warnings

  • Dreyfus Premier Funds are sold through investment professionals while the Dreyfus Funds are not. Both Dreyfus fund families include equity and bond funds.

Invest in Dodge Cox Mutual Funds

Dodge & Cox has been providing investment management services since 1930. Based in San Francisco, Dodge & Cox serves individuals and tax-exempt institutional clients, offering mutual funds and other investment accounts. Dodge & Cox offers a selection of equity, balanced and fixed income portfolios, managed with a concentration on longevity, discipline and an independent philosophy.

Visit the Dodge & Cox official Web site (a link to which can be found in the Resources section below) and review the available mutual funds.

Know that Dodge & Cox offers four different mutual funds, each with no load. This means you can invest in these funds without incurring sales charges.

Read about the Dodge & Cox International Stock Fund, stock symbol DODFX, online. This fund focuses on long-term capital appreciation and the growth of income. Its primary investments are diversified equity securities from foreign companies.

Note that both the Dodge & Cox Stock Fund and the Balanced Fund are closed to new investors.

Learn about the Dodge & Cox Income Fund, symbol DODIX, on the Dodge & Cox Web site. This fund targets high income while maintaining stability, as well as capital preservation, over time. Primary investments include quality bonds and fixed-income securities.

Compare Dodge & Cox with other funds in the same class at the Morningstar or Lipper Web sites (both sites can be found in the Resources section below). Read reports or articles concerning these funds online.

Download prospectuses from the Dodge & Cox Web site. Review each prospectus carefully.

Choose a fund or funds in which to invest and determine the amount of your initial investment.

Print, complete, and mail an account application, as well as your initial investment. You'll find an application at the end of the fund's prospectus.

Tips & Warnings

  • Be aware that no-load funds are not completely cost-free. Carefully review the prospectuses of any no-load funds you are considering to determine the actual costs of investing.
  • Some funds allow you to reinvest distributions, redeem shares and shift money to another fund in the same family, after a time, without incurring costs. This can help keep your investment costs to a minimum.
  • Independent investment Web sites can help you to learn about particular mutual funds at a glance. These sites often provide rating information, giving funds rankings in comparison to simlar funds. Such sites typically provide performance, management and purchasing information for the funds they list. Some also provide daily net asset values (NAVs).

2.Technical Analysis Lesson 2: An Introduction to Dow Theory

This is another video i found on youtube by InformedTrades.com. Hopefully the information i provide will be useful to everyone.

An overview of the first three tenets of Dow Theory. The second in a series on technical analysis for active traders of the stock, futures and forex

Saturday, September 27, 2008

Invest in Brazil's Stock Market

With US stock market underperforming the global markets over the last few years, it is a good idea to diversify your investment internationally. Emerging markets have been turning in impressive returns over the recent past, especially the BRIC countries (Brazil, Russia, Indian and China). While they are not immune to US economic woes, their fundamentals remain strong into the foreseeable future. Brazil’s economy is booming and here is how you can easily take advantage.

Buy Brazil stock market tracking ETFs.
For instance, iShares MSCI Brazil (EWZ) offers an easy way to participate. You can buy and sell them just like you would any other stock.

Buy mutual funds focused on Brazil companies.
For instance Fidelity’s Latin American Fund (FLATX).

Buy Brazil stocks.
If you are able to research companies listed in other markets, you have couple of ways to buy their stocks. You can either open trading account in the market of your choice (your broker might support this already (Tip: pay attention to transaction fees) or you can look for ADRs of foreign companies which are listed in NYSE (such as PBR, BTM).

Buy US stocks that are diversified internationally.
There is nothing wrong with sticking with the US companies that you know and trust but keep in mind that companies that have business abroad would likely give you better return on investment due to better growth prospects and favorable currency exchange rates. Think of Coke, Pepsi, Procter & Gamble, Phillip Morris etc.

Tips & Warnings

  • Evaluate risks vs. rewards. Any investment has an element of risk. Emerging markets have greater returns and hence greater risks but the fundamentals continue to be in their favor.

Invest in AIM (Formerly INVESCO) Mutual Funds

INVESCO is a brand name for a larger company known as AMVESCAP PLC. Mutual funds previously identified under the name INVESCO now sell under the AIM brand. Follow these steps to investigate the AIM family of mutual funds.

Invest in AIM Mutual Funds (Formerly INVESCO)

Contact a financial adviser or investment professional to purchase AIM/INVESCO mutual funds.

Be aware that an investment adviser may charge you additional fees to purchase mutual funds on top of those charged by the mutual fund itself.

Choose a Financial Adviser

Visit the AIM Web site (see the Resources section below) to request the name of a financial adviser by email.

Evaluate the investment adviser by gauging how well he or she understands your particular investment goals and needs. Tell the adviser exactly what your financial goals are (for example, to save for retirement, a down payment on a home or a child's college expenses) and estimate when you plan to meet those goals.

Ask for complete information on the adviser's compensation. If the adviser receives commissions or fees from AIM, make sure you understand whether this will have any effect on the adviser's recommendations.

Research on Your Own

Go to the AIM Web site and download a prospectus for a fund.

Investigate the relative performance of the fund you are considering. Visit a financial Web site to learn about the fund's performance or visit the AIM Web site.

Study the effect of fees on your investment. Read the prospectus to understand the fees you will pay for a particular fund.

Tips & Warnings

  • Assess your risk tolerance before you invest in any mutual fund. There is always the possibility of losing your principal (the money you originally invested) when you invest in a mutual fund.
  • Be aware that INVESCO and AIM settled a market-timing lawsuit in the mid-2000s. The suit alleged that the companies allowed certain privileged investors to engage in market timing that enriched these investors at the expense of other legitimate shareholders in the fund. The companies agreed to certain policy reforms as a result.

1. Technical Analysis Lesson 1: Intro to Technical Analysis

This is another video i found on youtube by InformedTrades.com. Hopefully the information i provide will be useful to everyone.

Lesson 1 of a series introducing technical analysis for traders of the stock futures and forex markets.

Friday, September 26, 2008

Invest in a West End Theatre Production

Investing in theatre is a lot like putting your money on a horse. It's a high risk venture that will not (or should not!) appeal to most sensible investors. Investors are usually fairly rich with strong ties to the theatre or a passion for a certain playwright or performing group. In most cases, investors will not see a return on their initial capital. If they do, returns are likely to be small and probably non-existent for the first year! There is however the small element of chance that you may pick a winner but to do this, you will need an awful lot of luck!

The best way to begin investing in theatre is to write to the producers of a play you admire and ask about their forthcoming projects.

You could also try contacting the Society of London Producers who circulate a list that matches investors with producers.

A minimum investment is typically £2,500 in a play or £10,000-£20,000 in a West End musical. Plays cost between £200,000 and £500,000 to get off the ground, a big musical anything up to £5m.

Picking your investment is key. A 12-week West End smash hit with stars could double your money in a very short period, for example Equus, with Daniel Radcliffe.

Most producers give their investor 60% of the profit of the production. Make sure you work this out before investing, to avoid problems later.

If a production is a great success it might tour, even head to the States, perhaps get made into a movie. Then the big money will start to roll. Check the rights before you sign up, otherwise you might find you're only entitled to profits made in the UK as your new play heads off to money-spinning Broadway and then Hollywood.

Out of 10 productions four will make some profit, three will see the investor get some but not all of their money back, and three will probably lose everything.

Big shows by big name producers won't be looking for small investors because they don't need to. Approach small up coming producers who you think are about to strike it lucky!

Tips & Warnings

  • If you are serious about investing in the theatre, make sure you are fully aware of the industry and are able to keep abreast of new developments.
  • Further information on theatrical investment may be obtained from the Society of London Theatre (The Society of London Theatre, 32 Rose Street, London WC2E 9ET)telephone: 020 7557 6700.
  • Although there are tales of investors putting all their money into shows like Cats and doing very well out of it, the likelihood of success for this kind of investment is small. Never invest more than you are prepared to lose.

Invest in a Triple Tax-Exempt Fund

Investing is a tricky business. You never know whether your investment is going to go up or down. Even with a triple tax-exempt fund, you're still going to be taking some kind of risk, so it's better to be informed.

How to Invest in a Triple Tax-Exempt Fund

Know what a triple tax-exempt fund is. A triple tax-exempt fund is an investment that is exempt from taxes on all three levels. Those levels are federal, state and city taxes.

Know what kinds of investments are triple tax-exempt. Usually, these are municipal bonds, which the government issues to raise money for improvements.

Understand municipal bonds. Sometimes called munis, these bonds promise to pay interest for a fixed amount of time. When that time is up, the principal gets repaid to you.

Learn that people like munis because they aren't taxed on the interest they earn. The interest is lower than you could get on other securities, though, because of the tax break.

Determine whether munis are a good choice for you. Do you want to reduce your taxes? Figure out whether the tax break is big enough to offset the low interest rate.

Buy municipal bonds through a broker or as a money market account from your local bank.

Tips & Warnings

  • The interest rate stays the same through the life of the bond, so if interest rates rise, you're stuck with it.

Introducing InformedTrades.com for Stock, Futures, and Forex

This is another video i found on youtube by InformedTrades.com. Hopefully the information i provide will be useful to public.

Thursday, September 25, 2008

How to get a HIGH INTEREST 4 year C/D (Certificate of Deposit)

If savings accounts interest rates are not high enough for you, you may be interested in another safe investment option insured by the FDIC (FEDERAL DEPOSIT INSURANCE CORP.) Read on to find out how to get high interest C/D's.

Read the this article for a list of the 5 banks with the highest interest yields in the Nation for a 4 year C/D accounts.

Starting from the Bank with the Highest yield:

M&T Bank - Oakfield, NY with an Annual Percentage Yield of 4.91%
2nd Place:

Discover Bank - New Castle, DE with an Annual Percentage Yield of 4.81%

3rd Place:

E-Loan - Pleasanton, CA with an Annual Percentage Yield of 4.80%

4th Place (TIED):

Transportation Alliance Bank - Ogden, UT with an Annual Percentage Yield of 4.75%

4th Place (TIED):

Security Savings Bank - Henderson, NV with an Annual Percentage Yield of 4.75%

Tips & Warnings

  • Ask the bank regarding the terms and conditions of the C/D.
  • Note that there are sometimes minimum deposits that are required to get the interest rates, which can be anywhere from $1 to $10,000.
  • Only invest in a C/D with a term you are comfortable with as you will have to keep your money in the C/D for the period that you and the bank agree to. Ask the bank about penalties for early withdrawal.

Find the Best Biotech Mutual Funds

Biotechnology is any technological application that uses living organisms and/or biological processes. Biotech companies handle recombinant DNA, tissue culture, stem cell research or genetic manipulation. Here are some guidelines for finding the best biotech mutual funds.

Consider the Advantages of Biotech Investments

Recognize that biotech industries have been performing well for several years. Both public (NIH) and private (venture capital) biotech investments are increasing. The number of biotech drugs in development increased from 81 in 1988 to 369 in 2000, and will likely increase as aging baby boomers create more demand.

Understand the profit margin on biotech drugs--it's huge once it is complete. Companies have a virtual monopoly until their patent expires. Drugs are cheap to produce, require repeated use, and are recession-proof. The profit margin generally ranges from 20 to 30 percent for a successful drug.

Familiarize Yourself with the Risks

Note that the biggest risk for biotech companies is the question of FDA approval. Testing can take ten to fifteen years and cost approximately $500M. Most drugs are not approved, and of those that are, only three out of ten drugs prove profitable.

Be aware that once a patent expires, the drug will lose most of its market to generics. Drug patents last for 20 years, mostly taken up with R&D and FDA testing.

Learn How to Choose Companies with the Best Chance for High Performance

Consider that a drug must earn about $150M per year for a reasonable return on investment. Ask yourself the following questions:
-Does it treat a disease in a new way or treat a disease that previously had no treatment?
-How much time remains on the patent?
-How large is the market? Look for a huge market (weight loss), a major disease (diabetes), or a smaller noncompetitive market. Search online for the number of patients and the yearly amount spent on the drug. The greater the amount, the less market share needed to meet the $150M return.
-Are there possibilities for label expansion (i.e., does the drug have other uses)? This is very profitable, since the safety testing is already complete.
-How many drugs does the company have in the development pipeline? Since only three out of ten approved drugs are considered successful, you'll want a company with diversity.

How to Become an Investor

Learn which mutual funds comprise those companies you want to invest in. Request prospectuses from several mutual funds and compare them.

Purchase your mutual funds from a financial advisor or online.

Tips & Warnings

  • Be sure to investigate any broker fees and take them into consideration when buying your mutual funds.

Find Mutual Fund Quotes

Mutual fund quotes are an indispensable part of the investment process. No matter which stage you're at, there's no doubt mutual fund quotes are a consistent part of your life. Investors turn to quotes to establish essential information about a fund prior to purchase. Once an investment has been made, quotes can be used to stay up-to-date with current market value and performance. When you're ready to sell your shares, you'll turn once again to mutual fund quotes to find out the net asset value (NAV) of your fund.

Visit a financial Web site you feel comfortable using (see resources). You can forgo using the Internet by checking for funds in the finance section of your local newspaper.

Find the mutual fund you're interested in by using its ticker symbol. Alternatively, you can type in the fund name.

Examine the opening price, closing price, day ratio and 52-week range for your mutual fund. This will help you get a better idea of how a given fund has performed over a range of dates.

Compare several different mutual funds to determine which would best satisfy your investment goals. For comparisons on the Internet, some Web sites will allow you to select several mutual funds for a side-by-side comparison.

Determine the process for buying shares in the mutual fund. Information is usually provided about the minimum capital needed, as well as which brokers manage the fund.

Tips & Warnings

  • If you're having difficulty locating a specific fund, try searching for a fund family. This way, you'll be presented with a list of all the funds available within that family.
  • When you're not searching for a specific fund, try using an advanced search feature to narrow down the list of mutual funds based on your investment criteria.
  • If you already own shares in a mutual fund, getting a quote won't tell you the value of your shares. Due to options like reinvestment privileges, you may own more shares than you are aware of. The best way to determine the value of your shares is by examining your most current statement. Alternatively, if you know the amount of shares you have, you can multiply this number by the net asset value (NAV) found on the quote page.

Stock Market Tutorial No.5

This is a video I found at YouTube from "Featureman" about stock market tutorial for beginner.

Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Find Mutual Fund News

Whether you're new to investing or consider yourself a seasoned pro, there's no doubt you'll want to stay up-to-date with all of the news in the world of mutual funds. With the speed and convenience of the Internet, it's now easier than ever to get the latest reports on your mutual funds. And, if you're looking for up-to-the-minute coverage, you'll be glad to know there are several ways of keeping in touch with your funds throughout the day.

Finding Mutual Fund News

Check the finance section of your local newspaper for information about mutual funds.

Subscribe to a newspaper or magazine known for emphasis on finance, such as The Wall Street Journal or Forbes. These financial publications usually have an entire section devoted to mutual fund news and tips.

Visit well-known financial Web sites (see resources). Some of these Web sites provide extensive commentaries in addition to mutual fund news.

Search for mutual fund news on the Internet by using a search engine.

Use your search results to find interesting, informative financial news Web sites that are up-to-date with stock market performances. Many financial Web sites will even have live feeds while the market is open.

Sign up for e-mail alerts about important mutual funds. This will allow you to access pertinent information about your shares quickly and easily.

Tips & Warnings

  • Most major newspapers have a dedicated financial section every day. Some, however, only run this feature once a week. If you're unsure what day the financial section appears in your newspaper, contact a newspaper customer service representative to find out.
  • If you're searching the Internet for a specific mutual fund, consider using its ticker symbol or fund name as part of your search. You'll receive more pertinent results, which will save you time.
  • If you have a mobile phone, you may be interested in signing up for text message alerts about your mutual funds. Several sites, such as Google, Merrill Lynch and Yahoo!, offer this service.
  • Keep in mind that some news sources will not make the distinction between opinions and objective reporting. Try not to base your investment decisions solely on a single news account. If you're in doubt about the performance of your mutual funds, it may be wise to consult with your financial adviser before making any decisions about buying or selling shares.

Find Mutual Fund Analyst Reports

In an ever-changing financial world, the analyst is often the voice of reason. We live in a competitive era of hyperbole, so to have a neutral voice standing out from the noise is imperative for the investor, whether investing with an advisor or on one's own. If you're looking at investing in mutual funds, in particular, reading analyst reports can be extremely helpful.

Understand fully what the role of an analyst is. In theory, an analyst takes information from records that are fully public and asks pointed questions of a mutual fund manager in a public conference call. The mutual fund analyst then uses his or her financial and statistical background to rate the performance and to make predictions or forecasts about a particular fund.

Get online and head to Morningstar (a link to which can be found in the Resources section below) for some of the best mutual fund analyst reports in the business.

Search the Internet for mutual fund analyst reports. You will find more opportunities for analyst reports.

Head to your local library if you prefer searching through printed copies of analyst reports. Most larger libraries carry these in the public interest.

Tips & Warnings

  • Some Web sites offer a premium service when you pay an annual fee. Morningstar is a highly respected barometer of the financial world with just such an offer. You may consider making this small investment upfront to have quality information at your fingertips.
  • Morningstar and other services often offer a free trial period, so look out for these offers.
  • If you've signed up for a free trial with one of the analyst Web sites but don't intend to continue the service after the trial period, be very aware of the steps to cancel it. If you don't act, you will be billed for the annual fee.
  • Remember that an analyst is not a fortune-teller or your own personal advisor. Bring your own best judgment to the table, as well.
  • A big controversy within the analyst world is the potential conflict of interest that some analysts have when their company also provides brokerage services. For this reason, it helps to compare and contrast the thoughts of several analyst reports before deciding on one mutual fund.

Stock Market Tutorial No.4

This is a video I found at YouTube from "Featureman" about stock market tutorial for beginner.

Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Find High Paying Dividend Stocks

There are many ways to profit from stocks if you pick or get hints on which stocks will bring more profits for you and when to buy them.

Look for consistent dividend paying stocks because The higher the dividend yield, the better for you.

Try to know the valuations this will help you determine the value of the company's stock.Also try to check the previous monthly and yearly prices of the stocks before considering if you should pick that stock.

If you think that you cannot predict well which stocks to pick that will give you good profits then you can follow the link in my resource area,the guys behind it are the best stock experts i have come across and they allow you to join their newsletter and you will be receiving stock picks,This newsletter is sent out weekly via email (usually on a Sunday evening)and it includes a stock the robot has picked for the week.Now These stocks often rise over 100% within a matter of days making you more money.

Tips & Warnings

  • Don't rush into picking any stocks without good clarification on the stock and knowing what will happen to it.

How to Find Free Mutual Funds Advice

You hear it constantly: one must start investing in mutual funds to have money to send the kids to college, retire at a reasonable age and achieve other financial goals. But what if you have no idea how to even begin? Getting good advice is the key, and getting it free is even better.

Define your financial goals first. Before you even seek advice, it's a good thing to know what your major objectives are. Saving for retirement and amassing capital for a business require different strategies—and probably different mutual funds.

Take a trip to the library. Once you've found out wy you want to invest, it's time to head to your local branch for books that will show you exactly how to invest in mutual funds.

Read and understand as much of these books as you can. They are terrific step-by-step sources that were designed with people like you as their target audience. Don't just rush through to finish them; you'll need to understand the concepts or the process can become frustrating.

Surf the Web for more detailed information. Once you know the basics, try the Motley Fool Web site, The Investment FAQ and the Web sites for industry magazines and newspapers for more particular information. Some of these Web sites are listed in Resources below. Don't forget to take notes or bookmark the sites.

Query your social circle. Chances are there are others who have recently researched or invested in mutual funds. By comparing and contrasting their views, you'll get a better idea of what direction makes sense for you.

Tips & Warnings

  • Keep an eye on your local paper for investment seminars held at your local library, for instance.
  • You may also find mutual fund advice from your workplace. Some businesses ask their fund managers to speak to employees to better inform them of the funds they offer.
  • Be aware of Web sites that may appear objective, but are actually backed by a certain financial institution. They will always have their best interests at heart.
  • In a similar vein, be aware of public seminars held by specific mutual fund companies. If you go, just know that you will be steered toward whatever funds they themselves offer.

Stock Market Tutorial No.3

This is a video I found at YouTube from "Featureman" about stock market tutorial for beginner.

Monday, September 22, 2008

Find a List of Growth Index Funds

Index funds were first conceived of, at least theoretically, back in the 1600s. This was when early movers and shakers tried to figure out how to predict the future while gambling. This early work on the strategy of risk and risk management later came to fruition in index funds. Index funds are investment tools that seek to follow the market—not to beat it and not to perform under it.

Make sure you know the meaning of the term growth index fund before you look for a list of them. Index funds are what you'll find listed primarily, while you'll see the term growth index fund less often. In general, a growth index fund is an index fund that tries to follow the movement of a specific index or indices, such as large-cap stocks that are growth oriented.

Head to the library or a good bookstore once you're sure that index funds are right for you. One book, in particular, in the All About series, can be helpful for finding background as well as a list of growth index funds: "All About Index Funds: The Easy Way to Get Started" by Richard A. Ferri.

Search for growth index funds on the Internet (a few helpful links are provided in the Resources section below) if you still seek more information on a list of these funds. Again, you're more likely to find information and lists simply searching under index funds. Among these, you can then pinpoint which funds are focused on indices that track growth-oriented companies.

Consult a good investment advisor if you think you still may not be seeing the whole picture. It's helpful to ask trusted associates and friends for recommendations. It can also be helpful to let this group know you're looking specifically for index fund advice.

Tips & Warnings

  • Index funds are popular with many investors because, by nature, they require very little management. This means they are relatively low-cost to the investor.
  • Because index funds follow the major market indices, you know something of what to expect. There are plenty of riskier directions in which to invest your money.
  • Index funds do track the stock market, which is a volatile entity. Just because you're thinking of index funds doesn't mean you won't experience a fair degree of risk.

How to Figure Out Where to Invest

Investing can be a way to reach your long-term goals. One of the first investment steps is determining where to invest. There are several good choices in where to begin investing. You may already know your goal.Investing can get you there.

Mutual Funds - A mutual fund is a relatively inexpensive way for a small investor to get a full-time financial professional to make and manage your investments. Diversification is an advantage of mutual funds. You would own shares in a mutual fund instead of owning individual stocks or bonds, so that your risk is diversified or spread out. Any loss in any particular investment is minimized by gains in other investments. Large mutual funds usually own hundreds of different stocks in many different businesses and industries.

Stocks - Stocks are investments that help you reach your long-term goals.You will need a plan that's based on your goals, how long you have to achieve them, how much money you can comfortably set aside, and how much you can handle risk.

Your strategy will be stronger if you invest a set amount of money you can afford to invest each month, month in and month out. This is a better strategy than simply trying to buy low and sell high.

Check into companies that sell shares directly to investors, thereby bypassing commissions to brokers. While you are at it, look at their dividend reinvestment plan.
Another way to invest a set amount on a steady basis is by purchasing no-load, mutual funds. With no sales commissions to pay and by investing a small amount on an established schedule, you can get moving safely in the world of investments.

Check into companies that sell shares directly to investors, thereby bypassing commissions to brokers. While you are at it, look at their dividend reinvestment plan.
Another way to invest a set amount on a steady basis is by purchasing no-load, mutual funds. With no sales commissions to pay and by investing a small amount on an established schedule, you can get moving safely in the world of investments.

Stocks are investments that help you reach your long-term goals.You will need a plan that's based on your goals, how long you have to achieve them, how much money you can comfortably set aside, and how much you can handle risk.
Develop your set plan and schedule and follow it, but then be sure to reassess your situation, especially at the time of a job change, a move, retirement, etc. You can change your blend of investments, but avoid sudden major changes to your strategy.

Other Choices -Determine your expectations, but be realistic. Stay with a program you can stick with through good years and not-as-good years. Settle on an expected return of from 9-13%. This is on average.Before investing, start with a base of having enough insurance coverage and at least six months of income set aside in a money-market fund or interest-bearing Certificate of Deposit. From this comfortable base, you can begin investing.

Investing can be a way to reach your long-term goals. There are several good choices in where to begin investing. Determine your goals. Work on your investments to get you there.

Tips & Warnings

  • Here are some important tips about investing:
  • Work only with established firms with well-know, favorable reputations.
  • Make every effort to understand your investments so you can be an informed buyer and seller.
  • Investigate the companies you are thinking about dealing with.
  • Stocks and mutual funds- The National Association of Securities Dealers (800-289-9999; www.nasd.com); ask for the Central Registration Depository Report on the broker or contact securities regulation office in the state where your prospective broker is doing business.
  • Remember that when an investment looks like it could have a large return, it is accompanied by a large risk. Worrying and feeling off-kilter is usually not worth it because of the impact worry will have on your personal life. You may not even realize initially how much this uncertainty may affect your health and well-being as well as your relationships.
  • If you are intrigued by such an investment and you feel compelled to invest, put in a comparatively small amount of your overall investment dollars, but do not invest a substantial amount of money on a high-stakes investment.

Stock Market Tutorial No.2

This is a video I found at YouTube from "Featureman" about stock market tutorial for beginner.

Sunday, September 21, 2008

Evaluate the Performance of Variable Annuity Subaccounts

Simply looking at the historical performance of mutual fund subaccounts within a variable annuity contract will not necessarily give you an accurate picture of their true performance. It is often necessary to look at the actual mutual fund performance outside the contract.

If you are trying to decide whether to invest money in a variable annuity, one of the key factors you should consider is the historical performance of the mutual fund subaccounts. However, these numbers can be misleading.

When you look through the performance history of many mutual fund subaccounts that are offered in variable annuity contracts, it is easy to become confused. For example, an investor looking at the performance history of the Franklin Income fund within a variable contract offered by U.S. Allianz, will not see the same data that appears for the fund on the Franklin Funds website.

A comparison is necessary in order to obtain an accurate picture of a fund's performance. The SEC has mandated that when a mutual fund company offers one of its funds through a variable annuity contract, the resulting subaccount must be registered as a separate security, with a separate name, ticker symbol and a separate performance history.

This, of course, leads to tremendous confusion among novice investors, who may have a favorite fund that a variable carrier claims to offer within their contract. But when the investor looks for the fund within the contract's list of offerings, it is seemingly not there, because its name and ticker symbol have been changed.

Call the annuity carrier and find out the name of the subaccount that corresponds to your chosen fund. For example, say you want to invest in a variable annuity that offers the Franklin Templeton Founding Funds Allocation fund (ticker symbol FFALX). First, you will find a carrier with a variable annuity that offers this fund, such as the U.S. Allianz Alterity variable annuity.

If you look through the subaccount selections hoping to find this fund, you will discover that it is not there; instead, there is a fund called the Franklin Templeton VIP Founding Funds Allocation fund that is actually your fund in disguise. Sometimes the fund names will be very similar with just a word or two added or subtracted, and other times they will be much harder to match.

Look at the subaccount's inception date. The Franklin Templeton VIP Allocation fund subaccount within the Alterity annuity, for example, lists the inception date as 07/02/07, and the total return through 09/30/07 as 4.8 percent.

Go to Franklin Templeton's website and look at the original fund upon which the subaccount is based and you will discover that on the contrary, this fund was incepted on 08/15/2003, and has an average annual total return of over 12 percent. The subaccount history can only tell you what the fund has done since it was added to the annuity as a subaccount, not what it has done since it truly began. This disparity can be very misleading for those who are not familiar with the differences between mutual funds and variable annuity subaccounts.

Tips & Warnings

  • Always check variable annuity subaccount performance against the performance of the underlying fund.

Easily compare the different trading companies online

There are many trading services online that you can search over the Internet and if you have time to compare their quotes or prices then start it here. Stock brokers also differ from their share price and also maintenance fee or membership fees. But there are many cheap trading services that you can get after searching all of them or just go directly in one place and gets all the comparison in one page.

Point your browser to match point website. This is a free website that you can get different prices from several trading services online.

Fill up the simple form with your zip code and your email address to get the results of many trading companies online.

You can also get a free On-line broker comparison by just searching in any search engine online. Or go to Yahoo page and visit the finance category to find all investing tips and guides.

Or ask your co-workers or employer the best on-line brokers or trading services online. Friends and family's referrals are the best you can get so ask them about the good deals in trading companies.

Stock Market Tutorial No.1 - Financial Basics

This is a video I found at YouTube from "Featureman" about stock market tutorial for beginner.

Saturday, September 20, 2008

Download and Use the Yahoo Finance Stock Market Tools

Yahoo Finance offers a premium subscription service that allows users to download and use stock market tools that offer real-time information, such as streaming stock quotes.

Start at the Yahoo home page (see Resources below).

Click on the 'Finance' link.

Find the 'My Portfolios' tab and choose 'MarketTracker' from the pull-down menu. This is where you will download the service.

Look for buttons that allow you to choose between being billed annually or monthly. Click on the button that corresponds to your preference. You may be offered the chance to sign up for a free trial period.

Complete the data form on the following page. You will need to provide your name and address. Enter the information into the provided boxes and use the pull-down menus. Click 'Continue.'

Read the agreement terms that appear on the following page. You will need to indicate whether you are a professional or non-professional by clicking on the correct circle on the page. Type your name into the Signature box, and click 'Signature Confirmed' to continue.

Read the agreement that appears on the following page. Click on the 'I Agree' box if you agree to the terms. If you are a non-professional, you will need to provide additional information about your employer.

Click the 'I Agree' box, and then type in 'I Agree.' Then click the button that says 'I Agree.' Verify your password to continue if requested to.

Provide a credit card number. If you have a promotional code, click the 'Click Here To Redeem' link. Otherwise, click 'Continue.'

Review the confirmation information that appears on the next page, and then click 'I Agree, Place Order.'

Use Yahoo Finance Stock Market Tools

Use the tools to see real-time quotes from the Yahoo Finance home page (see Resources below).

Use MarketTracker to keep track of your personal portfolio. Click on the 'My Portfolio' link on the Yahoo Finance home page, and then choose 'MarketTracker' from the pull-down menu. Click 'Yes' when prompted to install a desktop shortcut.

Click on the desktop shortcut to launch a window that displays real-time stock quotes.

Sign in at the Yahoo Finance home page at any time to access your MarketTracker tools.

Go to the Yahoo Finance Help section on premium services at any time to get additional assistance using your tools (see Resources below).

Tips & Warnings

  • Change your password periodically to ensure account security.

Diversify a Mutual Fund Portfolio

Investing in mutual funds is an excellent vehicle to fund a person's retirement. If the mutual funds are not properly diversified, however, that retirement could be put on hold. Protecting a portfolio against fluctuations in certain markets is essential to long-term financial health.

Identify the investment objectives of the portfolio. What is the time horizon? In other words, when are the funds in the portfolio going to be needed (10, 20, 30 or more years)? What is the amount to invest in the portfolio? What are the return objectives? Finally, what are the risk tolerances of the investor? All these factors relate directly to the construction of a diversified portfolio.

Formulate an investment strategy. The strategy is based on the information obtained in the previous step. With a portfolio that has a high-risk tolerance and a long time horizon, the strategy will include more mutual funds with higher risk but higher returns as well. It is also very important to remember that even in portfolios that possess a high-risk tolerance; they must contain some lower risk funds to balance the portfolio.

Ascertain which type of mutual funds to invest in. The investment strategy determines which type of mutual fund and how much to invest. The types of mutual funds include money market, bond, stock and index funds. Each type carries its own risk factors. Some are less risky, like money market funds.

Categorize potential mutual fund sectors to invest. Obtain a candidate list of mutual funds sectors that fit the established investment strategy. Investigate each sector performance over a number of years. Compare and contrast the performance of each. Then use the investments strategy to identify the best funds to invest in. Examples of sectors include but are not limited to retailing, technology, industrials, communication, energy, commodities and pharmaceuticals.

Invest in the mutual fund, now that the fund is targeted. One important note before investing in a fund is to determine the cost of the fund and the minimum investment required for the fund. Sometimes the mutual fund fees can outweigh the benefits of investing in the fund. In addition, if a fund has a minimum investment that is too high it can cause imbalance in the portfolio. So be sure to check the fine print before investing in any fund.

How to Define 12B-1 Fees

Running a mutual fund is a business like any other, and entails expenses that must be covered for the fund to make a profit for itself as well as for its clients. For this reason, mutual funds impose a variety of fees, which can be difficult for clients to understand.

Recognize that 12b-1 fees, also known as Distribution Fees or Service Fees, are taken from general fund assets to cover various costs of doing business.

Understand distribution fees. These funds pay for marketing costs, such as advertising and the printing and mailing of prospectuses and other sales instruments. They also cover share sale costs, such as paying the fees of brokers.

Know that service fees are those expenses incurred by help lines, persons to answer customer queries, and other personnel involved in client services

Tips & Warnings

  • The SEC imposes a limit on 12b-1 fees of 1 percent annually with a maximum of 0.25 percent being used to compensate brokers. The avowed purpose of the 12b-1 fee is to increase the sales of the fund, thereby benefiting all clients.
  • You will find 12B-1 fees listed with all other fees in a Table of Fees near the front of the company's prospectus. There will also be a projection of how the fees would impact a hypothetical $10,000 investment over 10 years. The purpose of this projection is to allow you to compare the cumulative effects of fees and expenses among several mutual funds.
  • A fund with an upfront load but no 12b-1 fees may in fact be a better option than a 'no-load' fund that charges 12b-1 fees, especially if you plan to keep the fund for a long-term investment. This is because the load is a one-time expense, whereas 12b-1 fees recur. Use the projections of hypothetical effects to balance loads and 12b-1 fees.
  • Some funds use the 12b-1 allowance as a way to pay brokers to do business with them, or as a hidden load fee.

Choose Socially Responsible Mutual Funds

If you care about certain causes you may not want to invest a significant portion of your retirement savings in businesses that directly contradict those causes.

You may make every effort possible to choose products that are in keeping with your personal philosophies. You buy organic, look for fair trade labels and try to buy clothes made without child labor. When it comes to your retirement investing you may not have considered that you could be investing in companies that are directly at odds with your beliefs.

When you invest in a company you are becoming a part owner. A vegetarian, for example, may invest hundreds of dollars a year in a mutual fund that owns meat processing plants without realizing it.
For many years now there have been mutual funds such as Pax World Funds and Calvert that screen companies for certain criteria such as use of fair trade practices, non tobacco and weapons investment, etc.

Your own requirements for a socially responsible fund may differ from that of another person. There are sites such as The Social Investment Forum, listed below, that have lists of funds with different investment goals as well as different social goals. One fund may be Christian related and not invest in pornography, stem cell research, etc and another fund may be aimed at green energy and companies that use green practices.
Check the forum and also consult with your investment adviser before making any choices.

Friday, September 19, 2008

Calculate an Annuity Withdrawal Considering Inflation

If you purchase an annuity with a minimum withdrawal guarantee, it seems like you have all basis covered. But wait--there's one tiny flaw in the overall picture. That flaw is inflation. Inflation changes the buying power of the dollar and in turn actually lowers the value of your money.

Find a comfortable rate of inflation that you believe exists. Usually the number is 1 to 2 per cent, but you can use 3 percent to be more comfortable that you're correct.

Calculate the number of years that you need to wait until you draw the money. If you're getting the payment immediately, calculate the number of years you need the money.

Use 3 percent as the inflation rate. To find the buying power of the rate, multiply it by .97. That is the effect of one year of 3 percent inflation on the dollars you recieve. Multiply the answer again by .97 to get two years. If you want the answer for 10 years, you can multiply the number first by .97 and the multiply each answer by .97 nine more times.

Add a guaranteed minimum return to the contract. If you've purchased a guaranteed minimum return and want to see what amount you can withdraw at retirement in terms of buying power, subtract the inflation rate from the guaranteed rate. An example would be 5 percent minus 3 percent inflation is a 2 percent return each year.

Multiply the amount you invested by 1.02 to get the true buying power for the next year. To do more years, continue to multiply each answer times 1.02 for the number of years of growth until you use the money.

Withdraw only 2 percent of the annuity if you have a guarantee of 5 percent and the buying power for that amount remains level since it grows as fast as the hypothetical inflation. If you withdraw the full 5 percent, the buying power drops by 3 percent each year and you need to multiply the amount each year by .97.

Tips & Warnings

  • You can review charts that show the future value of a dollar and don't require you to do extensive calculations. Hand calculating, however, is a great tool you can use no matter where you are, as long as you have a simple calculator.

How to Buy Fannie Mae's stocks share

How do you like to earn money in this giant mortgage company? You might wonder if you can still earn when this company is buried in debt. But if you want and interested to see if you can get return with your investment then you might like to try investing in this company. But remember it's all up to you if you are willing to take a risk.

The first thing you need to do is ask yourself if how much you are willing to risk for investment. And also how much you can afford to lose if in case your investment is going to take a wrong turn.

If you have your money then look for stock broker online like Scot trade. This broker seems so cheap to buy and sell your share if in case you do not like the investing thing in the future. Fidelity is another stock broker that you can get an account with and then start buying your favorite stocks or mutual funds or bonds online.

I used stock broker that does not charge me much in buying or trading my share like share builder but you choose what fits to your needs.

Once you have your account set up in any broker you like then deposit your fund so that you can buy your Fannie Mae share and then you will be called a stock shareholder. You do not need to invest too much money if you cannot afford to lose it someday just give it a try and see.

Now search in the box inside your portfolio and see what available stocks that your chosen broker has to offer for you. The symbol for Fannie Mae company is FNM so that's what you are trying to buy. Right now is really cheap to buy and if someday that price will go up then you will make money for sure. Just try it and wish you will get some return in the future.

Bank Online With ING Direct

If you're tired of traditional banking and wish to make the switch to online only banking, ING Direct is the website for you. This popular Internet phenomena conducts its business and your accounts entirely on the Web. It is operated by the ING Group and has locations across the globe. If you are interested in opening an account, you can do so via postal service or by phone if the Internet gives you any reservations.

If you're looking for a place to save your money, ING Direct is a great bank for you. They have a very good interest rate on the Orange Savings Account and don't require you to pay a service charge. You don't have to keep a minimum balance, either.

If you wish to sign up for an Orange Savings Account, ING Direct only requires an account and routing number, as well as some basic personal information to complete the electronic check process.

If you already have a savings account, but wish to open an Electric Orange Checking Account, just click on "Open Account" from the main page. A huge perk associated with ING Direct's checking accounts is their ability to earn interest on account balances.

When you sign up for an Electric Orange account, check out the tiers for interest payments. Depending on how much you have in your account, your percent rate will differ. You don't have to pay monthly maintenance fees and there aren't any direct deposit requirements.

Take advantage of all that ING Direct has to offer their customers. They provide Orange CDs, Orange Mortgages, Orange Home Equity, ING Direct Mutual Funds, a ShareBuilder, and Business Banking. Though they may not be a household name as some of their counterparts, they're growing and have a solid service.

When you sign up for an account, you'll be given a Customer Number or Saver ID. Write this down in a secure place, as well as your PIN number and answers to your security questions. ING Direct is very thorough with their sign-in process, assigning you an image recognition page and "mouseclick" PIN keypad to avoid any keylogging attempts.

Tips & Warnings

  • You can link up to three checking accounts to your savings account.
  • Refer a friend and you can earn some cash.