When "The Secret" aired on Oprah, showcasing the Law of Attraction; people began to furiously think positive thoughts to magically transport what they wanted into their lives. Many unrealistic expectations were dashed because of what became better known as "wishful thinking". These same people didn't realize they needed to envision what they wanted with clarity and ask for it, be patient and take note of opportunities that came along, AND take action to bring what they wanted into their existence.
Soon after the law of attraction (via The Secret) hit the airwaves, the US economic climate began it's most noticeable landslide. No one knows where it's headed and fear is in the air. Is it possible, to not only survive, but thrive in the harsh times of today? Many believe it is. Read on to find out how from one perspective.
Many Americans can remember tough times. The Depression Era symbolized hardships of epic proportions. My grandmother is an active 96 years young and would be hard pressed to say that anything we're facing now is as bad as it was then.
In a statement, John D. Rockefeller said that "These are days when many are discouraged. In the 93 years of my life, depressions have come and gone. Prosperity has always returned and will again." (Quote from Wikipedia-see resource below.)
Patience will be key in thriving in the current harsh economy.
Although waiting it out patiently is important, so too, is being prepared.
Be cautious what financial institutions you place your money in.
Pay equal attention to current, and future, investments. A savvy investor will realize that the current situation with the stock and real estate markets may very well be a cloaked opportunity.
With mounting food prices; you may want to watch more closely for sales, begin using coupons, store some staples in bulk amounts, eat at home more, and pare down on non-essentials.
Shop thrift stores for excellent buys on gently worn (and often times high quality, or designer, clothing).
Carpool when you can and save from making multiple trips when unnecessary.
Learn other skills to expand the value of your current work situation; or in the possiblility of losing your job and your income.
The harsh economic forecast is on the television, radio, internet, talked about around the water cooler and over coffee in restaurants. It's a non-stop projection of doom and gloom.
*How does one find perspective?
Start with a news fast. This is simply a break from the media -generated "top stories". It means DON'T start your day with the morning news and end it with the late news before bed. In fact, don't listen to any of it.....at least for a day or more, if you can stand it !
*Consider the following sobering thoughts and questions:
-Do you have a job? Many people in our country and all over the world are unemployed, or work for pennies.
-Do you have a home, electricity, running water, heat? Millions of people will sleep on the street, under a park bench, in an unheated shack on a dirt floor tonight. Running water is rain. Electricity is unheard of. Heat is a prayer that it won't reach low temperatures and a piece of cardboard or newspaper for a blanket.
-Have you eaten one, or more, meals today? Millions, including children and the elderly, will not eat this day...or the next. Or perhaps they will find scraps in a trash can or be fortunate enough to have rice broth.
-Do you have your health, in full, or partially? People all over America and the world will suffer, or die, today because they will not have access to medical facilities or treatment.
Perspective is a way of seeing things differently. If one chooses to chime in with the country-wide mindset of panic and forecasts of recession and depression, then that will be YOUR experience according to the Law of Attraction. This law states that what you focus on is what you will draw to you. If you think about your life, you'll realize that it is so.
- Consider what you can be grateful for. Friends, family, a home, warm clothing, food, a job?
- Support your local merchants and business' to boost your community's economy.
- Shop "made in the USA" if possible.
- Try to maintain a more positive perspective by reading articles and blogs from others who are interested in helping people to improve their lives; physically, mentally, and spiritually - such as eHow writer and blogger: Kevin Freeman. See resource below.
- If you eat, sleep, and breathe bad news on the state of our country's economy, then by the Law of Attraction you will contribute to it.
by ehow.com