Monday, August 25, 2008

Find The Top 100 Mutual Funds

There is no shortage of mutual funds to choose from. With more than 8,000 mutual funds available to the public, knowing how to find the top 100 mutual funds is no mean feat for the small investor. Relying on professionals is the way to go if you want to find the best-performing mutual funds.

Finding the Top 100 Mutual Funds

Determine how much money you want to invest and for how long.

Begin by browsing the personal finance section of your local library or bookstore for mutual fund advice.

Explore search engines online with phrases like 'top mutual funds' or 'top 100 mutual funds'.

Look for investment sites geared toward investors with no personal or professional attachment to any particular mutual funds.

Cross-reference your lists to see which mutual funds appear consistently.

Choose a small number of mutual funds that appear on each list to research further.

Tips & Warnings

  • Different sites and businesses rate mutual funds differently, so the top 100 at one site may not be the same as the top 100 at another. Consider these lists with a grain of salt, or learn what criteria the investors use to choose their funds.
  • Top 100 funds often mean top-performing funds, or the funds with the best returns. Since there is more to a smart fund than having great returns, check each site's list to find what their criteria are for being on 'top.'
  • You are the only one who knows exactly what you want from your investments.
  • Don't get involved with a highly rated fund without exploring it and making sure it will work for your needs.
  • Check the source of your Top 100 list to ensure that there is no conflict of interest: investment firms have a lot to gain by rating their own mutual funds highly.

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