Friday, August 29, 2008

Invest in Seligman Mutual Funds

With over 50 portfolios, Seligman mutual funds offer something for everyone. This variety allows both individuals and institutions to find appropriate investments. Follow these steps to invest in Seligman mutual funds.

Research and Invest in Seligman Mutual Funds

Brush up on the basics. The intricacies of mutual funds can be intimidating. To turn your anxiety into knowledge, research key words and terminology on a helpful Web site like The Investment FAQ (see the Resources section below).

Choose your size. Seligman offers small, medium and large funds, each with its own level of risk.

Focus on your financial objectives to choose the appropriate mutual fund. To make lots of money, be prepared to take some risks.

Conspire to retire. If your goal is retirement, then consider Seligman's many retirement plans. This will help narrow your focus.

Give it time. Many mutual funds tax their clients for an early asset redemption, and Seligman is no exception. This tax can be as high as 5 percent, which is no small amount if you've invested thousands.

Find the fines. Most Seligman funds have expense fees based on the cash you've invested. These unsavory fees can ultimately stunt your portfolio's growth.

Get a prospectus, your most important reading before you invest in any mutual fund. The prospectus outlines the fund's performance, risks and goals. It also explains fees and asset liquidity.

Look at the past. You can read a fund's biannual and annual reports on the Seligman Web site (see Resources below). These detailed reports include charts and graphs of the funds' most recent performances.

Take out your checkbook. If you've found a fund you're comfortable with, then you're ready. Invest with Seligman directly or through a financial adviser.

Now that you're invested, relax. This is a long process, so don't expect immediate results. Stay in touch with Seligman or your financial adviser.

Tips & Warnings

  • Have long-term goals for your investment. Clear goals empower you to choose mutual funds that support those goals.
  • Invest responsibly: mutual funds are not protected by the FDIC.
  • Beware of expenses. Depending on the class of your fund, you could pay up to a 4.75 percent sales charge.
  • Invest for the long term. If you redeem your assets too soon, you will pay fees as high as 5 percent.

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