Make a monthly list of what's coming in. This includes income from your job as well as your spouse's, and any other money that you might be receiving on a monthly basis, like dividends, bonuses, or interest income.
Make a monthly list of what's going out. Split this section into categories. Some suggestions are 'Housing' (rent or mortgage, homeowner payments, etc.), 'Recurring Bills' (utilities, cable, credit card payments, insurance), and 'Food and entertainment'. 'School' might also be a category, or 'Play'. I would make 'Vehicle' its own category. Included in this category are obviously monthly payments on the vehicle and insurance, but also gas and maintenance. Also, make sure you account for big expenses that only occur once or twice a year, like car insurance for example.
Always pay yourself. Once you get your paycheck - take care of your monthly expenses, then pay yourself by putting some money into a savings account. Preferably one without a debit card or checks, so it's not easily accessible.
If you can't spend less, then earn more. Get a small part-time job to help with the extra expenses.
Always have an emergency stash of about $500. You never know what could happen.
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