Create a balance sheet for the income you make and the set bill limits each month whatever they may be. Keep an indivdual record of things you buy that you dont need to help boost your total available money at the end of the month, they can really add up.
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Saturday, July 26, 2008
How to save more money
Always comming up short at the end of the month? Here are a few tips on how to save money with a few small changes.
Always try to pay yourself first and by this I mean put money into savings, stocks, or investments before you spend money on leisures like going out to eat or late night bar runs. These little things could mean the difference between financial freedom or having to work till your 80.
Take the items that you have no real current use for like the stuff that sits in your garage and sell them on ebay. It is estimated that the average person has 1,200 dollars unused in their homes and garages.
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1 comment:
also try to have a personal financial advise..
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