Sunday, August 31, 2008

Invest in SBI Mutual Funds

The SBI Mutual Fund, which takes its name from the State Bank of India, has been in operation for eighteen years and boasts more than two million investors. With 30 active funds, or schemes, within the SBI mutual fund itself, the company offers a variety of strategies for investing. The following will give you a general idea of how to invest in SBI mutual funds.

Decide how much you'd be willing to invest in a mutual fund, both initially and on a monthly basis. Don't plan on investing more than 10 percent of your overall investment portfolio.

Look over the online information on the SBI Mutual Funds website on each of the funds. From the "Products" tab, choose between Equity Schemes, Debt Schemes and Balanced Schemes.

Take the SBI Mutual Funds' Invest Test online to see which fund they suggest for you. From the "Learning Center" tab, select "Invest Test" and answer each question as honestly as you can.

Choose the SBI mutual fund scheme(s) that sounds the best to you. This may or may not be the scheme the Invest Test recommends for you.

Order the prospectuses for the funds you're interested in and read them thoroughly. Note any service fees charged.

Compare fees, projected profits and performance charts for each prospectus you have.

Look up the SBI mutual fund's risk level as calculated by Morningstar.

Select the SBI mutual fund you are most interested in, and download the appropriate application form. All forms are available by clicking on the "Downloads" tab on the home page.

Submit your completed application to the SBI investment office listed on the application.

Tips & Warnings

  • Make sure you have a good understanding of your financial goal for investing: Is it for an upcoming purchase? Is it a long-term investment for retirement? Is it for a medium-range investment such as your child's college fund?
  • Take advantage of the planning tools on the SBI website, even if you don't end up investing with SBI.
  • Mutual funds are a wise investment for those who seek a medium- to long-range payoff. They are not the answer for those looking for a quick payoff.
  • Consult as many outside objective sources as possible for analysis of any particular mutual fund.

Invest in Highmark Mutual Funds

HighMark Capital Management, Inc., a subsidiary of Union Bank, manages the Highmark mutual funds. This fund family offers approximately 30 different funds. Follow these steps to invest in HighMark mutual funds.

Study HighMark Mutual Funds

Download a prospectus for HighMark mutual funds from the company's Web site (see the Resources section below), or call (800) 433-6884. Read it carefully to learn about the basic types of funds HighMark offers as well as the investment objectives and strategies of the funds.

Choose the type of account you want to open -- an individual account, a joint account or a trust account. Contact HighMark Funds Investor Services at (800) 433-6884 with any questions you have about opening an account or for instructions on opening an IRA account.

Download an account application from the HighMark Web site.

Fill out all relevant sections of the account application, and write a check for the amount of your investment.

Mail your account application and check to HighMark Funds at P.O. Box 8416, Boston, Massachusetts, 02266-8416.

Choose HighMark Mutual Funds to Invest In

Choose from among the variety of funds that HighMark offers: four moderate allocation mutual funds; four intermediate-term bond mutual funds; large-blend, large-growth and large-value mutual funds; and small-value, small-growth mutual funds.

Decide how to allocate your investment funds. The HighMark Funds family contains more than 30 different mutual funds and offers shares into two different classes, A and C (read the prospectus for more information on share classes). You can use a single account application form to invest in a variety of funds, so decide how much you would like to invest in each.

Tips & Warnings

  • Call HighMark at (800) 433-6884 to open an Asset Allocation Account.
  • To open an account on behalf of a corporation or trust, you must provide complete identifying information for each person who is authorized to conduct account transactions.
  • You can use the HighMark Automatic Investment Plan to regularly invest small amounts in the funds of your choice.

Invest in Harbor Mutual Funds

The Harbor Funds' family of mutual funds includes three subgroups: Domestic Equity, International Equity and Fixed Income. The company also offers a money market account. Follow these steps to invest in Harbor mutual funds.

Invest in Harbor Mutual Funds

Complete the online registration form on the Harbor Mutual Funds Web site to receive an account application (see the Resources section below). You can print the online application or receive an application in the mail.

Decide if you want to open a standard account or an IRA account.

Choose which fund you want to invest in. Read the prospectus before reaching a final decision.

Fill out the account application and return it to Harbor. The mailing address is on the company's Web site on the "Open an Account" page. Include a check for at least the minimum investment amount with your application.

Understand the Investment Goals of Each Mutual Fund

Learn the investment goals of the Harbor Domestic Equity subgroup of funds, which are long-term capital growth and long-term returns on investments.

Discover the investment objectives of Harbor International Equity mutual funds. This group of mutual funds is also interested in long-term returns and capital growth as opposed to short-term gains and income generation.

Outline the investment objectives of Harbor Fixed Income mutual funds, which focus on real returns, the conservation of capital and short-term, reliable gains.

Learn About the Different Mutual Funds in the Harbor Funds Group

Learn about the seven Domestic Equity mutual funds that you can invest in. Each one has a different objective, and the funds cover both small-cap and large-cap stocks, as well as growth and value investing. Read the prospectus for each.

Visit the "Funds" section of the Harbor Funds Web site to obtain information on all the company's mutual funds. Study the information regarding Harbor International Equity mutual funds, which represent growth and value-oriented investment strategies.

Get to know the five Harbor Fixed Income mutual funds. Most of them invest primarily in bonds.

Tips & Warnings

  • Download a PDF copy of the firm's prospectus at the Harbor Funds Web site.

Saturday, August 30, 2008

Invest in GE Mutual Funds

GE epitomizes diversification with a presence in everything from electronics and power to medical technology and financial services. GE offers 12 mutual funds in which you can invest, handled by GE Asset Management Incorporated. As of September 2006, GE Asset Management handled more than $186 billion in assets. GE Asset Management is a wholly owned subsidiary of General Electric, managing the GE family of funds with a stated commitment to both integrity and quality.

Think carefully about your investment goals, risk tolerance level and the time frame in which you hope to accomplish your goals. Write your investment goals down and refer to them as you consider your options.

Peruse the available GE mutual funds and recognize the relationship between risk and reward. The funds with the lowest level of risk offer the lowest potential for investment rewards. By contrast, a higher level of risk translates into more potential for returns and capital appreciation.

Click on any GE fund to view its related fact sheet. You will need Adobe Acrobat Reader, available for free download, to perform this step.

Visit to view information regarding the available GE mutual funds. You may choose to invest in any of the GE international/global, domestic growth, domestic growth and income, domestic income and money market funds.

Use the "Portfolio Composition" link to review the holdings for each GE mutual fund.

Use the "Prices and Performance" link to review daily prices, yields, short- and long-term performance for the funds that interest you. Keep in mind that performance data is not load adjusted.

Download a prospectus for each GE mutual fund that interests you. Choose the funds that best suit your needs.

Download and complete a GE fund application. Enclose a check for the minimum required deposit and mail it to GE Mutual Funds. The minimum opening investment is $500 for each fund.

Tips & Warnings

  • Don't overlook fees, charges and expenses in choosing mutual funds in which to invest. If two mutual funds are similar in performance, the fund with fewer expenses and fees may be the better bet for maximizing your investment money.
  • Besides checking on the Internet, you can find fund performance information in many newspapers, such as the "Wall Street Journal" or the daily newspaper in your area.

Invest in Chinese Mutual Funds

You needn't limit yourself to investments within the United States. You can move on to Chinese investments! There is evidence to suggest that China's economy will continue to blossom. Investing in Chinese mutual funds can provide a way to profit from China's economy without having in-depth knowledge of the Chinese market.


Determine the level of foreign fund exposure that currently exists in your portfolio.

Make a list of your investment objectives.

Understand that foreign investments can be risky. Political, social and currency fluctuations, as well as differences in accounting practices, can influence the success of your Chinese mutual fund investments. Evaluate the level of risk with which you are comfortable.

Use an investment research website such as Morningstar (a link to which can be found in the Resources section below) to research Chinese mutual funds. Morningstar provides mutual fund ratings, ranking funds from 1 to 5 stars.

Obtain a prospectus for each Chinese mutual fund you are considering. Review each prospectus carefully.

Let history be your guide. Look at the past performance of interesting Chinese mutual funds to get an idea of what the future may hold.

Recognize that dealing with foreign investments can be challenging and that unreliable information can lead to financial loss. Enlist the help of a financial professional in making your choices.

Research mutual fund asset allocation strategies or speak to a financial advisor concerning foreign mutual fund investments.

Decide how much you can affort to invest in Chinese mutual funds.

Contact a financial advisor or broker for advice and guidance for your initial investment. With this person's help, purchase your first Chinese mutual fund shares.

Tips & Warnings

  • As with any mutual fund investment, it is wise to investigate fees, charges and expenses before you invest. High fees could eat away at your earnings. Read a fund's prospectus carefully before you purchase shares.
  • Keep in mind that funds that focus on just one country tend to have higher levels of risk. As such, they are not well suited to investors who are looking to foreign markets for security.
  • Read foreign prospectuses even more carefully than you would a domestic fund prospectus. Ask a trusted financial advisor any questions that arise.
  • Investigate the manager of the Chinese mutual fund you are considering before you invest. You may uncover information helpful in assessing the fund's potential for meeting your goals.

Invest in Canadian Mutual Funds

Like United States mutual funds, a Canadian fund essentially pools your money with that of other investors and invests under the guidance of the fund's manager. A Canadian mutual fund may invest primarily in stocks, bonds, cash, or other kinds of securities. Alternatively, a mutual fund may invest in a variety of securities. There is a wide range of Canadian mutual funds from which you can choose, allowing you to select fund options that are well matched to your investment objectives.


Consider both the near and distant future in developing investment objectives. Make a list of both short-term and long-term financial goals.

Assess the level of risk with which you are comfortable.

Determine the portion of your assets that you'd like to allocate to Canadian mutual funds.

Determine the types of mutual funds in which you are interested. Depending on your investment objectives, you may prefer growth, income, combination growth and income, international or index funds.

Research and compare Canadian mutual funds on the Internet. Morningstar, a link to which can be found in the Resources section below, provides in-depth information about Canadian mutual funds and offers ways for you to compare them.

Request prospectuses for the Canadian mutual funds that are in line with your investment objectives. Carefully consider the risks versus the benefits of investing in each fund you are considering. Be sure to consider the costs and expenses associated with each mutual fund as well.

Decide whether to pursue load or no-load funds. Load funds charge commissions and no-load funds do not.

Contact your broker to purchase shares or contact the mutual fund directly.

Tips & Warnings

  • If you live in the United States, you may be liable for taxes on foreign mutual fund profits. Consult with a tax advisor to learn what to expect.
  • Typically, mutual funds give you choices concerning how your distributions and dividends are handled. You may choose to have them sent to you or you can select a reinvestment option, using distributions and dividends to purchase additional fund shares. Many mutual fund companies waive sales charges for automatic reinvestments.
  • Today, many banks offer mutual funds. Don't allow a bank's name and reputation to lull you into a false sense of security. There are risks involved with mutual funds, no matter what their origins. Furthermore, bank-offered or not, mutual funds are not Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC) insured.

Friday, August 29, 2008

Invest In AXP Mutual Funds

American Express Funds, with a financial history that goes back as far as 1940, offers 66 mutual funds that are distributed within the United States. As of 2005, American Express Funds (stock symbol AXP) managed mutual fund assets totaling $64 billion. Together with the American Express Financial Corporation and its affiliates, the manager for American Express Funds owned and managed in excess of $350 billion in assets as of 2005.

Understand AXP Mutual Fund Options

Understand that AXP income funds focus on producing regular dividends from preferred stocks and/or bonds. With income funds, share prices fluctuate with interest rates. Share prices tend to increase when interest rates fall and decrease when they rise.

Recognize that AXP growth and income mutual funds are aimed at the long-term growth of capital, as well as providing current income. Typically, growth and income funds invest chiefly in stocks and bonds that have a history of both capital appreciation and providing consistent dividends.

Realize that AXP growth mutual funds may suit your needs if you're interested in capital appreciation. These funds invest in securities that appreciate over time, rather than those that focus on providing current income.

Decide whether or not AXP international mutual funds interest you. These funds invest in non-domestic securities markets.

Understand that AXP tax-free income funds focus on maximizing current, federal tax-exempt investment income while preserving capital.

Consider that AXP index funds concentrate on minimizing the performance of one of the market indexes, such as the Standard & Poor's 500. These funds typically have low costs and fees.

Instructions for Investing in AXP Mutual Funds

Define or review your investment objectives. Remember these objectives as you begin researching AXP mutual funds.

Consider the type of funds that interest you. Research and compare AXP mutual funds at the Morningstar or Standard & Poor's websites.

Request prospectuses for the funds that best suit your objectives. Review them carefully.

Consult with your broker or financial advisor before you purchase shares. Evaluate risks and benefits and purchase shares of the AXP mutual funds that match your objectives.

Tips & Warnings

  • As you research and compare AXP mutual funds, remember that past performance is not indicative of future performance. There is risk involved in any investment.
  • Remember that mutual funds can help you to diversify your investments. Diversification can be key in lowering risk.

How to make money on high oil prices

Crude oil prices are through the roof. Here's how you can profit on high oil prices.

Decide how you want to make money through investments in energy stocks, mutual funds or stocks. Stocks are the riskier play, but have the higher potential. Mutual funds are a better move if you have smaller amounts of money.

If you wish to invest in individual energy stocks, go to a site like Google Finance and look at the energy sector. Do your research and find companies with good profit margins and high leverage to expensive oil.

If you wish to invest in mutual funds go to to search for some of the best performing energy sector mutual funds. For example the Vanguard Energy Fund has returned 34% on an annual basis in the last 5 years.

Keep a close eye on supply and demand for crude oil after making these investments. If the principles of your investment thesis change, you have to be ready to sell some or all of your trade.

Tips & Warnings

  • Crude oil is already at an all-time high and some believe the bubble could burst, be careful!

Invest in Seligman Mutual Funds

With over 50 portfolios, Seligman mutual funds offer something for everyone. This variety allows both individuals and institutions to find appropriate investments. Follow these steps to invest in Seligman mutual funds.

Research and Invest in Seligman Mutual Funds

Brush up on the basics. The intricacies of mutual funds can be intimidating. To turn your anxiety into knowledge, research key words and terminology on a helpful Web site like The Investment FAQ (see the Resources section below).

Choose your size. Seligman offers small, medium and large funds, each with its own level of risk.

Focus on your financial objectives to choose the appropriate mutual fund. To make lots of money, be prepared to take some risks.

Conspire to retire. If your goal is retirement, then consider Seligman's many retirement plans. This will help narrow your focus.

Give it time. Many mutual funds tax their clients for an early asset redemption, and Seligman is no exception. This tax can be as high as 5 percent, which is no small amount if you've invested thousands.

Find the fines. Most Seligman funds have expense fees based on the cash you've invested. These unsavory fees can ultimately stunt your portfolio's growth.

Get a prospectus, your most important reading before you invest in any mutual fund. The prospectus outlines the fund's performance, risks and goals. It also explains fees and asset liquidity.

Look at the past. You can read a fund's biannual and annual reports on the Seligman Web site (see Resources below). These detailed reports include charts and graphs of the funds' most recent performances.

Take out your checkbook. If you've found a fund you're comfortable with, then you're ready. Invest with Seligman directly or through a financial adviser.

Now that you're invested, relax. This is a long process, so don't expect immediate results. Stay in touch with Seligman or your financial adviser.

Tips & Warnings

  • Have long-term goals for your investment. Clear goals empower you to choose mutual funds that support those goals.
  • Invest responsibly: mutual funds are not protected by the FDIC.
  • Beware of expenses. Depending on the class of your fund, you could pay up to a 4.75 percent sales charge.
  • Invest for the long term. If you redeem your assets too soon, you will pay fees as high as 5 percent.

Invest in Rockland Mutual Funds

Led by Richard H. Gould, Rockland Funds has been investing in small-market capitalizations since 1996. Gould's strategy is to invest in diverse stocks with strong potential. Follow these steps to invest in Rockland Funds.

Learn About and Invest in Rockland Mutual Funds

Look before you leap. Invest a sensible amount--not your life's savings--into these mutual funds. Though mutual funds consist of relatively safe investments, such as stocks and bonds, Rockland Funds invests 80 percent of its net assets in small capitalization companies. These diversified stocks contain a degree of investment risk.

Decide how much to invest. Rockland Funds requires a minimum investment of $2,000. You can invest this amount in one lump sum.

Enroll in an investment plan of $250 per month (for a minimum of 8 months) in lieu of the lump-sum payment. Be careful: if you invest for fewer than 90 days, you are subject to a 2 percent redemption fee.

Review the prospectus before you commit to an investment. This document details the company's goals, costs and performance.

Read the biannual, annual and past-performance reports to learn more about Rockland's performance history. Reports are available on the Rockland Funds Web site (see the Resources section below).

Call (800) 497-3933 or visit Rockland Funds online to receive or download an application. Fill it out and send it in. Upon receiving your application, the company will invest your money based on that day's market prices.

Expect Rockland Funds to promptly contact you with your account and portfolio information.

Be patient: remember, this is a long-term investment, and the market is bound to fluctuate. Don't panic if your stocks dip and dive. Rockland Funds will contact you if your investment dips below $2,000 for more than 30 days.

Brush up on your basics. If you need help reading your quarterly statements or want advice about your mutual funds during tax season, visit an online learning center like The Investment FAQ (see Resources below).

Tips & Warnings

  • Rockland Funds establishes accounts based on current market prices.
  • When you investigate a fund's past performance, note its volatility. If you're trying to meet short-term goals, you may be better off with a more stable fund.
  • Any stock market investment can be risky. Invest within your comfort zone.
  • Investment minimums are apt to change over time. Review current minimums at the fund's Web site before investing.

Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Invest in Mutual Funds From India

Investing in India or any foreign market may feel like a fool's errand if you don't have much market expertise to back up purchases. Mutual funds come to the rescue, allowing investors the opportunity to profit from India without in-depth knowledge of the Indian market. With a mutual fund from India, investors can pool their money with that of others and benefit from the market and investing expertise of a professional manager.

Indian Mutual Fund Types

Understand open-end mutual funds from India. These funds offer liquidity and the opportunity to purchase and sell shares at prices related to their net asset values (NAVs). They do not have a fixed maturity date.

Know that closed-ended options do have fixed maturities, ranging from 2 to 15 years. When these funds are initially introduced, you can invest in them directly. After the initial issue period, you can purchase them on the stock market.

Recognize that interval options combine features of open and closed-end funds. Shares of these funds from India may be traded on the stock market or bought and sold at set intervals.

Collecting Information

Understand that investing in foreign markets can offer you potential for capital growth and income. However, there are special risks involved with investing overseas.

Determine whether market exposure to India already exists in your portfolio.

Discuss your objectives, risk tolerance and investment time horizon with a financial adviser or broker. Determine what portion of your portfolio to contribute to mutual funds from India.

Understand that mutual funds from India may be affected by world events, as well as political and economic changes.

Realize that there is currency risk involved when you invest in mutual funds from India.

Visit or and research mutual funds from India.

Obtain prospectuses and performance information on the funds that interest you. Read them carefully before you decide to invest.

With the help of your financial adviser or broker, determine the funds that best suit your needs and decide how much to invest. Purchase shares through your advisor or broker.

Tips & Warnings

  • Though it is possible to invest in mutual funds from India without help from an investment professional, these professionals can help you to avoid costly mistakes.
  • Generally, mutual funds that focus on one foreign country only are considered very risky. They are generally not recommended for investors in need of a great deal of investment security.

Invest in Liberty Mutual Funds

For more than two decades, Liberty All-Star Funds have been available to investors. These funds employ multi-management, allocating assets to a number of independent investment managers with varied styles of investing. The Liberty All-Star mutual funds allow investment managers to invest for the fund; each manager is allocated a specific portion of the fund's assets. This fund management strategy seeks a higher level of return consistency.

Get to Know Liberty Mutual Funds

Understand the Liberty All-Star Equity Fund. This fund strives for capital appreciation on a long-term basis, as well as current income. No less than 80 percent of the fund's net assets are invested in diverse equity securities.

Know that the Liberty All-Star Growth Fund targets the long-term growth of capital. Its primary investment is equity securities.

Recognize that both funds allocate assets to different investment managers, in equal amounts.

Understand that the Liberty All-Star Equity fund and the All-Star Growth Fund are both closed-end funds. You cannot invest in these funds in the same manner as you would buy shares of another mutual fund. Instead, you must purchase shares on the open market, like stocks.

Purchasing Funds

Realize that these funds are traded just like other stocks, according to supply and demand.

Request a literature pack for written information about Liberty mutual funds before you decide to invest; prospectuses are not available.

Download reports, fact sheets, brochures and monthly updates at You'll need Adobe Acrobat Reader to view these documents.

Check Liberty All-Star fund net asset values at They are updated daily.

Contact a financial adviser, broker or investment service capable of helping you to purchase stocks, then make your initial purchase.

Tips & Warnings

  • The multi-management strategy is used by many large institutions in managing assets for pension and endowment plans.
  • After you invest in a Liberty All-Star fund for the first time, you may choose to transfer your shares to Computershare. Computershare is the transfer agent for both funds. Once the transfer is complete, you can buy and sell shares through the transfer agent.
  • Closed-end mutual funds allow you the opportunity to benefit from professional management, as well as significantly lower expenses.
  • Once you register with Computershare, you have the option of enrolling in an automatic dividend reinvestment plan, allowing you to reinvest quarterly dividends.

Invest in Hartford Mutual Funds

The name that many know as one of the insurance giants is now a player in the mutual fund industry. Hartford mutual funds were only begun 10 years ago, but their performance has been solid. In fact, Hartford posted the No. 2 U.S. Equity Fund Family Performance for the year 2005, and has garnered several awards for customer service. Hartford now offers investors nearly 50 choices of mutual funds.

Decide how much you want to invest and what sort of risk for which you're ready. Consult a financial planner to understand exactly what your investment potential is.

Research using Web sites such as The Investment FAQ, listed in Resources below, for objective background on investing in general and mutual funds in particular.

Further your research using Hartford's Web site, listed in Resources below. They offer lots of helpful information for both new and seasoned investors and let you ask questions if you have any.

Decide on your general focus of mutual funds: Hartford offers a wide choice of types of funds that includes specific industries, such as communications and health; domestic equity; growth, blend, or value funds; and fixed income funds.

Talk to your investment advisor, either at Hartford or on the outside, about narrowing down to several specific funds.

Order the prospectus for each of these funds and read each prospectus carefully.

Make your investment through your investment advisor.

Tips & Warnings

  • Take advantage of the mutual fund newsletters offered by Hartford as well as their online article archive.
  • Hartford offers mutual fund direction for specific goals such as retirement. If this is the main purpose of your investment, consider investing in the Hartford Target Retirement mutual funds, each of which is designed to be an all-encompassing plan for retirement objectives.
  • Remember that the stock market is volatile by nature so you cannot count on past performance predicting the future.
  • Don't let investing slip down on your to-do list simply for lack of understanding. If you don't feel like you know enough to talk to an advisor yet, do some more basic research and then make the call. They are used to introducing investors to this often-complicated field.

Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Invest in Closed-End Mutual Funds

Closed-end mutual funds offer a specific number of shares for sale. After the initial offering, closed-end mutual fund shares are traded on a secondary market, like the New York Stock Exchange (NYSE) or the National Association of Securities Dealers Automated Quotations (NASDAQ). In this way, they are handled much like common stocks. Share prices for closed- end mutual funds are set according to demand, rather than net asset value. More information can be found by visiting the Closed-End Fund Association's website (a link to the site is located in the Resources section below).


Take the time to carefully consider your objectives and determine the ways in which a closed-end mutual fund may help you to meet them. Realize that closed-end funds vary widely in terms of investment objectives, portfolios and strategies used.

Recognize that closed-end mutual funds may carry risks that differ from those of other mutual funds. Learn what to expect in terms of volatility and expenses.

Do your research before you invest in closed-end funds. These funds are regulated by the Investment Company Act of 1940, as well as the Securities Act of 1933 and the Securities Exchange Act of 1934.

Understand that shares of a closed-end mutual fund are not redeemed, allowing the fund to invest more of its assets in less liquid securities.

Realize that net asset value numbers are less meaningful with closed-end funds than they are with other mutual funds. Closed-end funds may not receive daily holding valuations for all assets.

Research and compare closed-end funds at Determine the funds that fit best with your investment objectives.

Understand that you will need to follow the same procedures to invest in closed-end funds as you do to buy stocks. The market price of shares is set according to competitive bidding.

With the assistance of a broker or financial advisor, purchase shares of the closed-end fund of your choice or purchase shares via a transfer agent.

Tips & Warnings

  • You are able to control the timing of your share purchases with closed-end mutual funds. Using limit orders, you can set the price you want to pay; your order will not be executed unless and until the share prices match your designated order price.
  • Some funds require a brokerage account while others allow investors to purchase shares directly from a transfer agent, eliminating the need for a broker.

Invest in CIBC Mutual Funds

CIBC Securities Inc. is a leading Canadian mutual fund firm. As the largest mutual fund in Canada, CIBC offers a range of funds aimed at savings, current income and growth. The company also offers one of the largest Canadian index fund families and professionally managed portfolios.


Consider your objectives and compare them to the available CIBC mutual fund categories. Each CIBC mutual fund has a clearly stated objective, making it simple to find a fund to meet your needs.

Learn about CIBC savings funds. Primarily focused on money-market investments, savings funds target the regular production of income while protecting investment value. These funds are considered low risk and can provide you with fast access to your money.

Evaluate CIBC income funds for a focus on generating more income than savings funds. These low- to medium-risk mutual funds are primarily invested in fixed-income securities and are designed to provide a bit of long-term capital appreciation.

Get to know CIBC growth funds. These funds focus on stocks from a variety of companies for the purpose of capital appreciation. They are considered a higher risk because of their focus on growth.

Consider taking advantage of CIBC's managed portfolio services. With this service, you'll have help from leading investment managers who will help you to select the most suitable mutual funds and continuously monitor your portfolio.

Decide which CIBC mutual funds match your objectives and review their prospectuses, as well as the full range of information that is provided on Alternatively, you may request prospectuses or an investment kit by phone.

With help from a trusted financial professional, choose the CIBC mutual funds you desire and begin purchasing shares.

Tips & Warnings

  • If you are unsure of how to best invest your money, use the investment selector at to help you in considering your options.
  • While you may find investing in mutual funds through a broker or financial advisor advantageous, CIBC offers InvestorsEdge, information geared toward the needs of the self-directed investor, on their Web site.
  • Mutual funds can be considered fairly liquid. This means you can generally sell your shares with little difficulty, getting your hands on cash when you need it.
  • Keep in mind that many mutual fund companies offer two ways to make your initial investment. You can invest by making a lump-sum investment or you can choose to enroll in an automatic investment plan.

Invest In Ariel Mutual Funds

Ariel Capital Management, LLC has been concentrating on investing in small and medium-sized businesses since 1983. The company offers three no-load mutual funds that focus on companies with undervalued share prices. The mutual fund focus at Ariel is to avoid the trends and take a steady approach to providing long-term capital appreciation. Ariel favors research, focus and persistence over speed and glamour. Privately owned and based in Chicago, Ariel manages more than $16 billion in assets.


Develop your investment objectives and write them down.

Review available Ariel mutual funds with your objectives in mind.

Learn about the Ariel Appreciation Fund; it seeks the long-term appreciation of capital through mid-cap value investments. The fund's ticker symbol is CAAPX and its newspaper symbol is Apprec. The Ariel Appreciation Fund had $2.7 billion in assets in September 2006.

Review information concerning the Ariel Focus Fund, stock ticker symbol ARFFX. This fund is managed with a mid- to large-cap value style, seeking long-term capital growth. Its net assets totaled $29 million in September 2006.

Consider the Ariel Fund, stock ticker symbol ARGFX and newspaper symbol Ariel. This fund focuses on small- to mid-cap stocks and had $4.3 billion in assets in September 2006.

Make your first move to invest in Ariel mutual funds; open an account online at Alternatively, you may choose to invest in an Ariel fund by printing an online application and mailing it with your opening investment check.

Tips & Warnings

  • Ariel Mutual funds carry no load or sales charge. However, request and read the prospectus for the Ariel fund you are considering to learn of any other charges.
  • Ariel mutual funds are only available to citizens or resident aliens of the United States. To purchase shares of Ariel mutual funds, you must live within the United States or its territories. A United States military address is acceptable for opening an account with Ariel as well.
  • When comparing savings accounts to mutual funds, there's really no contest. Savings accounts earn very little interest in comparison to most mutual funds. Unlike mutual fund accounts, however, savings accounts are insured by the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC).
  • Keep in mind that Ariel mutual funds are not diversified. This means they may be more volatile than diversified funds. Likewise, small- to mid-cap investment strategies may require more risk than large-cap stock strategies.

Monday, August 25, 2008

Find The Top 100 Mutual Funds

There is no shortage of mutual funds to choose from. With more than 8,000 mutual funds available to the public, knowing how to find the top 100 mutual funds is no mean feat for the small investor. Relying on professionals is the way to go if you want to find the best-performing mutual funds.

Finding the Top 100 Mutual Funds

Determine how much money you want to invest and for how long.

Begin by browsing the personal finance section of your local library or bookstore for mutual fund advice.

Explore search engines online with phrases like 'top mutual funds' or 'top 100 mutual funds'.

Look for investment sites geared toward investors with no personal or professional attachment to any particular mutual funds.

Cross-reference your lists to see which mutual funds appear consistently.

Choose a small number of mutual funds that appear on each list to research further.

Tips & Warnings

  • Different sites and businesses rate mutual funds differently, so the top 100 at one site may not be the same as the top 100 at another. Consider these lists with a grain of salt, or learn what criteria the investors use to choose their funds.
  • Top 100 funds often mean top-performing funds, or the funds with the best returns. Since there is more to a smart fund than having great returns, check each site's list to find what their criteria are for being on 'top.'
  • You are the only one who knows exactly what you want from your investments.
  • Don't get involved with a highly rated fund without exploring it and making sure it will work for your needs.
  • Check the source of your Top 100 list to ensure that there is no conflict of interest: investment firms have a lot to gain by rating their own mutual funds highly.

Find The Best No-Load Mutual Funds

No-load mutual funds can be a sensible option for investors. With a no-load fund, there are no commission fees (loads) that would decrease the overall amount of your investment, as there are with front-end and back-end load funds. But how do you find the best no-load mutual funds? Research, ask questions and go with your gut.

How to Find the Best No-Load Mutual Funds for You

Make a list of no-load mutual funds that are performing well. You can find lists like these by using a search engine, visiting a well-known investment site like Charles Schwab or by checking investment magazines.

Research the investments each mutual fund has made, focusing on performance and diversity.

Look for funds with tenured managers: that is, managers who have been with the fund for at least 5 years. Find out any previous funds they have managed and how they performed, especially during market downturns.

Determine which funds match your investment goals, risk tolerance and buying power.

Read the mutual fund's prospectus carefully for any hidden fees or high 12B-1 (marketing) fees.

Once you have found the funds for you, invest your money and leave it there. Mutual funds do better with long-term investing.

Tips & Warnings

  • While no-load funds are better in the sense that you aren't paying anyone to allow you to buy into a mutual fund, load funds shouldn't be dismissed outright. If you can afford the fees and the fund is working for you, there is no reason to dump it in favor of an untried no-load fund.
  • No-load funds do not necessarily outperform load funds, even when taking fees into account.
  • As with any investment, mutual funds carry different levels of risk. A high-risk no-load fund may not be as good for you as a back-end load fund (with commission fee) with little risk involved. The fee should not be the only factor you consider when choosing your mutual funds.
  • Even no-load funds involve fees for participating, although the fees are generally low.

Measure a Funds Annual Return

When you're choosing mutual funds, one of the key things you're probably looking for is how well the fund is doing. The annual return tells you how much money the fund has made or lost over the last year. It also tells you the average annual return over the last 3, 5 and 10 years. To measure your fund's annual return, you need to learn to read a mutual fund bar chart. The fund chart tells you general information about the fund, its ranking relative to other funds in its category and its past performance.

How to Read a Mutual Fund Chart

Open your prospectus to the annual returns chart (generally found in the first few pages).

Find the name of the mutual fund you are interested in along the left-hand side of the chart.

Look at the first column in your mutual fund annual return chart to find the assets. These are the total assets belonging to the mutual fund. They are made up of all the money invested by all the shareholders.

Understand that if the first column of your chart does not show total assets, it shows the year-to-date returns for the fund. If the first column shows assets, the year-to-date return is the second column.

Move to the next columns (in order from left to right) to find the 1-year, 3-year, 5-year and 10-year returns.

Realize that if your mutual fund is less than 10 years old, it may include a final column that shows the returns since the mutual fund developed.

Follow along the columns from left to right along the same line where you found the mutual fund's name.

Understand that if your mutual fund report includes its relative ranking, the rank will follow the period of time it is for.

Tips & Warnings

  • To measure mutual funds, check out their long-term performances, not just the past year.
  • A mutual fund chart is a picture generally found in the first few pages of your prospectus or annual report.
  • The numbers reported in your annual return report are percentages.
  • Mutual funds are ranked comparatively to others of their same type and size.
  • You should never assume that past performance is indicative of future performance. When you measure annual returns, you should just be looking at how the fund has done generally over the past years.
  • Not all mutual fund charts are exactly the same, so look carefully to see what yours is telling you.

Sunday, August 24, 2008

How to Manage a Growth Fund

The way to manage a growth fund is to diversify your portfolio as much as possible. A growth fund's main goal is earnings for the investor, so while they can be risky, the payoffs can also be high. Growth funds generally invest in companies that then reinvest in research or growth. Unless you have a thorough understanding of investing and the stock market, your best bet is to hire a fund manager.

Managing Your Growth Fund

Make a list of several different funds you may wish to manage. You can find mutual funds lists at Morningstar. Check out their 1-, 5- and 10-year performances to give you an idea of their stability and growth.

Choose the growth fund you wish to invest in and manage based on risk factor, performance, cost and duration.

Consider your growth fund alongside your other investments to make sure it complements your portfolio.

Decide how much money you intend to invest and whether you want to invest a lump sum or on a monthly basis.

Follow the market carefully to see how your fund is doing. Consider any advice from your broker or manager about selling.

Be prepared for large upswings and downturns. If you find the risk involved is causing you too much stress, sell and talk with your financial advisor about lower-risk investment options.

Tips & Warnings

  • Learn something about the mutual fund you choose to invest in, and get to know some information about your manager and his track record. An educated investor is a more successful investor.
  • Keep your tax advisor in the loop. Investing in mutual funds can have significant tax consequences. Make sure your tax planner knows about the investments you plan to make.
  • Listen to the manager. Fund managers typically issue quarterly or yearly updates, explaining their investing philosophy for the prior and upcoming quarters. Read these updates to make sure the fund manager's philosophy still reflects your investing goals.
  • Growth funds can earn you a lot of money quickly, but their risk level is fairly high. Don't get involved with a growth fund if you aren't sure what you are doing or if you can't afford to lose the money you invest.

Invest in Real Estate Investment Trust Mutual Funds

REITs, or Real Estate Investment Trusts, are like mutual funds in that they offer a larger fund investment opportunity that is professionally managed. Unlike mutual funds, REITs focus on the real estate sector only, and were created as a tax protection to some corporations, as well as a way for regular people to invest in commercial real estate. REIT mutual funds allow for one investment in a portfolio of REITs.

Get a solid understanding of REITs by visiting the National Association Real Estate Investment Trusts Web site, listed in Resources below, or any site with instructions for first-time investors, a glossary of REIT-specific terminology and helpful articles.

Work with someone with experience. Getting a broker or financial professional with experience investing in REIT mutual funds is a good idea, as this is a fairly specific type of investment. Knowledge is power, and if you don't have it you can be putting yourself at a disadvantage.

Order the prospectus for each REIT mutual fund in which you're interested.

Read each prospectus thoroughly and decide on the one that best fits your financial goals and investment capabilities. The prospectus contains the specifics of each mutual fund, as well as information about the risks of investing.

Contact your investment advisor to make your initial investment.

Tips & Warnings

  • REITs are required by IRS law to pay out annual dividends of 90 percent of their taxable income. If one of your financial goals is a relatively liquid mutual fund investment, a REIT may be a good choice for you.
  • A REIT is not an uncommon choice for an investment portfolio, but it should not make up more than 5 percent to 10 percent of one.
  • Due to IRS distribution laws, REITs do not make the best instruments for growth.
  • An investment in a REIT is not an investment made in specific commercial properties, but rather it's an investment in larger companies that manage the REITs. Each REIT, in turn, has a manager as well.
  • Unless you're particularly interested in the liquidity of a REIT or in commercial real estate specifically, it may make more sense to invest in a more diverse mutual fund.

Invest in OCM Mutual Funds

The OCM Gold fund, OCMGX, is managed by Greg Orell. As the president of Orell Capital Management, Greg Orell has managed the fund since its inception in 1988. The OCM Gold fund is a load fund that focuses on precious metals. As of October 2006, the fund's assets totaled $106 million. OCM Gold invests primarily in the United States and Canada, but has some holdings in South Africa, the United Kingdom and Australia.

Get to Know the OCM Gold Fund

Understand the OCM Gold fund's objectives. Like similar funds, this mutual fund seeks long-term capital appreciation.

Know that the OCM Gold fund invests no less that 80 percent of its assets in American and foreign companies that are involved in the gold mining industry. The fund invests in companies of all sizes.

Recognize that the fund invests mostly in gold producers and gold-mining royalty companies. It also invests on a secondary level in companies that explore and develop gold mining.

Understand that the fund's main investment is in common stocks.

Gathering Information

Visit and click the "Funds" link on the bar near the top of the page.

Click "Premium Fund Screener"

Select "Fund Name" from the data drop-down box.

Type "OCM Gold" in the last box of the pop-up window that appears and click "Okay". Click the gray arrow on the next page to move forward.

Click the "OCM Gold" link on this page. You'll find OCM Gold performance, management, expense and holding information in this section. Use the navigation links at the left to locate the information you need.

Click "Purchase Info" to find the address and phone number for the fund. Use this information to request a prospectus.

Determine the amount you'd like to invest in the OCM gold fund. The minimum initial investment is $1,000.

With the help of your broker or advisor, buy shares of the OCM Gold fund.

Tips & Warnings

  • You'll need to register for a premium account to use the premium mutual fund screener at MorningStar offers a free 14-day trial for its premium accounts.
  • offers ratings for the OCM Gold fund, as well as an abundance of other mutual funds. These ratings can be helpful in making mutual fund investment decisions.
  • You can invest in OCM Gold by enrolling in an automatic investment program. The minimum investment is $1,000. Subsequent investments must be at least $50.

Saturday, August 23, 2008

Invest in Large Cap Mutual Funds

When you want to invest in the big dogs, large cap mutual funds may be the way to go. These funds strive for the appreciation of capital through primary investments in blue-chip company stocks. Investments are chosen based on the potential for high earnings and growth. Typically, these funds invest in companies that boast market values in excess of $8 to $10 billion. However, the market-cap range can vary, depending on its source.

Understanding Large Cap Funds

Recognize that large cap mutual funds represent less risk and lower returns. This is due to the fact that large cap companies are well-researched and typically have solid histories of performance. However, this does not mean that there is no risk at all.

Know that large cap mutual fund investments are less volatile than investments in smaller companies. They may be useful for shoring up a diversified investment portfolio.

Understand that not all large cap mutual funds are created equal. Each fund has unique objectives, strategies, expenses and performance records. Carefully review available information about the funds you are considering, making certain that they are in line with your investment objectives and risk tolerance.

Understand that, due to their size, large cap funds often mimic an index, like the Standard and Poor's (S&P) 500, finding it necessary to invest in large companies that are in major market indexes. This is due to the restrictions placed on mutual funds in terms of the level of ownership they can have in one company. Typically, they are permitted to have no more than 10 percent ownership in any company.

Recognize that there are both large cap income funds, concentrating on returns with lower risk, and large cap growth funds that focus on capital appreciation while keeping risk manageable. Research the funds best suited to your investment objectives.

Choosing a Fund

Consider your time horizon and your investment objectives.

Discuss large cap funds with a financial adviser. With this person's help, decide how much to invest in large cap funds to stay true to your investment objectives.

Use or to find, research and compare large cap funds.

Request and review the prospectuses of several attractive large cap funds. Decide the funds in which you'd like to invest.

Determine the amount you want to invest in the large cap funds of your choice.

Purchase shares through an investment adviser or contact the funds directly.

Invest in Eaton Vance Mutual Funds

Together with its affiliates, Eaton Vance manages in excess of 70 different mutual funds. Concentrating on the investment objectives of affluent investors, Eaton Vance is well known for its leadership in tax-managed investments. In fact, Eaton Vance led the way for the first tax-minimizing equity funds, as well as municipal funds targeting tax-exempt earnings. The company is further credited with introducing some of the first bank loan floating-rate mutual funds. For today's affluent investor, Eaton Vance offers a selection of domestic and international equity funds.

Consider ways in which Eaton Vance taxed-managed mutual funds may assist you in meeting your goals. These funds are managed with the purpose of keeping taxes to a minimum, even while shares are being sold off.

Determine whether choosing to invest in an Eaton Vance income fund is right for you. These funds focus on producing income, but are taxable.

Learn about Eaton Vance domestic-equity mutual funds and determine whether any are in line with your objectives. Domestic-equity mutual funds invest primarily in domestic common stocks, seeking capital appreciation.

Consider that Eaton Vance International and global equity funds invest primarily in stocks and include investments within foreign markets. The primary purpose of funds in this class is capital growth.

Be aware that Eaton Vance also offers national and state municipal income funds. These funds seek to preserve capital, while offering regular income that is exempt from federal or state taxes.

Recognize that, even with tax-exempt funds, a portion of your investment income may be taxable on a federal, state or local level. Read through mutual fund prospectuses carefully to become fully aware of any tax consequences.

Download and review the prospectuses of the funds that interest you and are in keeping with your investment objectives at

Consult with a broker or a financial adviser regarding your investment choices. With that individual's advice in mind, invest in the Eaton Vance mutual funds best suited to your unique goals.

Tips & Warnings

  • Eliminating taxes can go a long way toward boosting your investment income. Unlike some tax shelters, choosing to invest in municipal income funds is completely legal.
  • Keep in mind that municipal bonds have a lower default rate than corporate bonds, making them a safer investment.
  • Municipal bond fund yields tend to fluctuate according to market conditions and bond maturities.