Saturday, August 30, 2008

Invest in Chinese Mutual Funds

You needn't limit yourself to investments within the United States. You can move on to Chinese investments! There is evidence to suggest that China's economy will continue to blossom. Investing in Chinese mutual funds can provide a way to profit from China's economy without having in-depth knowledge of the Chinese market.


Determine the level of foreign fund exposure that currently exists in your portfolio.

Make a list of your investment objectives.

Understand that foreign investments can be risky. Political, social and currency fluctuations, as well as differences in accounting practices, can influence the success of your Chinese mutual fund investments. Evaluate the level of risk with which you are comfortable.

Use an investment research website such as Morningstar (a link to which can be found in the Resources section below) to research Chinese mutual funds. Morningstar provides mutual fund ratings, ranking funds from 1 to 5 stars.

Obtain a prospectus for each Chinese mutual fund you are considering. Review each prospectus carefully.

Let history be your guide. Look at the past performance of interesting Chinese mutual funds to get an idea of what the future may hold.

Recognize that dealing with foreign investments can be challenging and that unreliable information can lead to financial loss. Enlist the help of a financial professional in making your choices.

Research mutual fund asset allocation strategies or speak to a financial advisor concerning foreign mutual fund investments.

Decide how much you can affort to invest in Chinese mutual funds.

Contact a financial advisor or broker for advice and guidance for your initial investment. With this person's help, purchase your first Chinese mutual fund shares.

Tips & Warnings

  • As with any mutual fund investment, it is wise to investigate fees, charges and expenses before you invest. High fees could eat away at your earnings. Read a fund's prospectus carefully before you purchase shares.
  • Keep in mind that funds that focus on just one country tend to have higher levels of risk. As such, they are not well suited to investors who are looking to foreign markets for security.
  • Read foreign prospectuses even more carefully than you would a domestic fund prospectus. Ask a trusted financial advisor any questions that arise.
  • Investigate the manager of the Chinese mutual fund you are considering before you invest. You may uncover information helpful in assessing the fund's potential for meeting your goals.

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