Wednesday, August 6, 2008

How to Obtain Financial Independence

How would you like to have the choice to work or not? Advice from these authors and your own dedication will allow you to obtain financial independence.

First of all, you will need a job that can support you and your family. Financial independence does not mean winning the lottery and living high on the hog. Financial independence means understanding how money comes into your life and how you can make it work for you, rather than working for it.

Learn to live on 50 percent of your income. I know, sounds impossible right? But it can be done. I have been doing it for more than 6 years now. If you are half of a couple, live on one person's salary. There is numerous information on the Web on how to tighten your belt and live way below your means.

Invest the rest. Take the other salary or the other 50 percent of your income and put it into savings and investments that YOU DO NOT TOUCH! This savings will eventually be able to fund your future freedom.

Have patience. This does not happen overnight. Financial independence for me will take about 20 years, but it is better than working full time for the man for 40 years, right? And during those 20 years, I will have gained some valuable money management skills and a lot of money.

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