Friday, August 1, 2008

Invest for Retirement

Your retirement should be a time of comfort and relaxation, not stress and anxiety over finances. Even if you are only just out of high school, it's a good idea to invest for retirement to get a head start and increase the amount of financial stability you'll see when the time comes for you to leave the work force. There are plenty of ways to invest for retirement, too, leaving you with lots of options.

Invest in an IRA (individual retirement account). IRAs carry a number of terrific incentives, like tax breaks or protection against bankruptcy. More importantly, you can invest in your IRA from year to year and begin to draw on it without penalty once you have reached the age of 59 1/2 years of age.

Invest in steady, dependable stocks, and leave those investments alone. Some companies, like Ford or even AT&T, have been around for decades, and they show consistent, steady growth from year to year, making them great opportunities for investments. Leaving your investments alone ensures you are giving the stocks the time they need to perform to their fullest potential.

Contribute annually or more frequently to a mutual fund. Mutual funds are among the safest long-term investment opportunities, with yields above 10 percent common. In most cases, you are able to withdraw on your mutual fund without penalty, and you can contribute to it as often as you'd like.

Buy either U.S. Treasury bonds or Agency Bonds. Treasury bonds are guaranteed, but have lower interest rates. Agency bonds (those issued by a government agency other than the Treasury) are not guaranteed, but almost always have a higher interest rate.

Nurture your 401k plan throughout your working years. While the 401k shouldn't be your only source of financial stability in the future, 401ks are a terrific way to ensure you have some financial freedom once you leave the workforce. You can even have multiple 401ks: one through your employer and one you can open yourself.

1 comment:

ERICOLA said...

hallo und unbekannterweise ein netter gruß aus
saarbrücken. wünsche ein sonniges, jedoch nicht zu
heißes wochenende mit viel speiseeis und wenig arbeit.
nette grüße