Monday, August 18, 2008

Invest in RS Investments Mutual Funds

Founded in 1986, San Francisco's RS Investments has a history of success. The financial rating groups Morningstar and Lipper have highly ranked several of RS's mutual funds. Follow these steps to invest in them.

Invest in RS Investments Mutual Funds

Understand the risks. Though a mutual fund's diverse nature makes it safer than most investments, these funds cannot guarantee to return a profit. You can even lose your investment.

Temper your expectations. Mutual funds are long-term investments, so don't invest hoping to land a big score in a matter of months.

Study the details. Every investment firm has different fees and costs. However, unlike many mutual funds, RS Investments allows for immediate liquidation based on the day's market value.

Read the RS prospectus before investing. This document, which explains the firm's goals and present performance, is available on the RS Web site (see the Resources section below).

Research your fund. It's a good idea to know how well a fund performs before investing in it. You can access annual and semiannual reports of the funds on the RS Web site.

Contact a financial adviser, especially if you're not a seasoned investor. Many financial advisers are relatively inexpensive. Rely on your financial adviser to handle the technicalities of investing in RS mutual funds.

Follow your portfolio. Though one benefit of mutual funds is freedom from most investment responsibilities, you should regularly monitor the fund's performance.

Keep cool. The market continually fluctuates, so if your investment depreciates, don't panic.

Check your facts. To learn more about mutual funds and investing, search online or visit your local library. The Investment FAQ is a great Web site for general investment knowledge (see Resources below).

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