Understand Your Fund Share Class Options
Consider that the A share class requires payment of a one-time sales charge. If you own other funds from the same family or meet other requirements set by Evergreen Investments, this sales charge may be reduced.
Determine whether the B share class is right for you. With this option, you invest without paying an up-front sales charge, paying the sales charge when you sell shares at a later date. You'll pay higher fees with this option, reverting automatically to Class A after you own your shares for six to eight years.
Decide whether the C share class option suits your needs. Choose the C share class and you'll pay a sales charge on shares you sell within two years of your initial purchase. You may pay a smaller front-end charge, but the fees you pay with this option will be high.
Choosing a Fund
Understand that there are four main mutual fund categories: stock, bond, money market, and balanced funds. Realize that each type of fund has specific investment objectives.
At EvergreenInvestments.com, use the fund information link to find daily pricing and performance information for each mutual fund. You'll also find information concerning each fund's portfolio management team, as well as ranking and rating details.
Download prospectuses for the Evergreen Investments funds that interest you and review them for information regarding fund investment strategies and objectives, risks and expenses. You may also download fund fact sheets.
Determine how much you want to invest in Evergreen Investments mutual funds.
With the advice of your financial adviser, select the Evergreen Investments mutual funds that fit your requirements. Invest according to the plans you've created with your adviser.
- When you choose to invest in mutual funds, you put professional, experienced managers to work for you. These managers use their know-how and access to high-level investment research to assist you in meeting your goals.
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