Monday, October 20, 2008

Invest in the Guardian Group of Funds

The Guardian Group of Funds (GGOF) is a collection of Canadian mutual funds. GGOF was established in 1962 and is a subsidiary of the Bank of Montreal. Currently, this mutual fund group has 33 different mutual funds. Follow these steps to invest in GGOF.

Learn About the Different Types of Mutual Funds

Uncover information about the income group of mutual funds in the Guardian Group of Funds on the company's Web site (see the Resources section below). You can choose investments from 10 mutual fund units and six classic units.

Look into the equity group of mutual funds in the Guardian Group of Funds. You'll find 26 different mutual funds in this category. Most of these mutual funds are world funds.

Discover the many diversified mutual funds are available in this family. This category includes mutual fund units, classic units, mutual fund units solutions and T-Class units solutions.

Investigate the Fees on Your Investment

Be aware that funds in the GGOF family are subject to sales charges. In addition to the commission you pay to a dealer's representative each time you purchase shares, you may also incur back-end sales charges (fees charged when you sell shares).

Learn about MER, which stands for management expense ratio. MER represents the portion of the fund's total net assets the company allocates to expenses, including management fees. Management fees for GGOF funds are typically near the industry average of 1.5 percent.

Calculate the effects of fees on your investment. GGOF deducts management fees from net asset value (NAV) or the listed price per share. They do not deduct sales charges from NAV, so calculate how much of the money you invest will actually be applied toward your account.

Invest in GGOF funds by contacting your financial adviser after you have done enough initial investigation to feel comfortable with this funds family. Your financial adviser can usually provide you with more information.

Tips & Warnings

  • You must use a financial adviser to invest in GGOF mutual funds. This means you will likely pay a commission on your purchase.
  • GGOF mutual funds are not insured by the Canada Deposit Insurance Corporation, nor are they insured by any other governmental agency.

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