With a focus on small and mid-sized growth stock, Oberweis Asset Management employs unique (but well-planned and -researched) investment strategies and styles. The company targets small, yet fast-growing companies that have adequate valuations. Though Oberweis Asset Management mutual funds invest in a portion of the market that is considered volatile, the company works hard to construct portfolios in a way that effectively controls risk.
Oberweis Mutual Funds
Know that Oberweis offers four different mutual funds, allowing you to choose a fund that meets your investment objectives. They are all no-load funds.
Understand that the Emerging Growth Fund invests most of its assets in companies with market capitalizations below $1 billion. This fund is designed to allow investors to take advantage of the growth of small but rapidly-growing small-cap companies.
Recognize that the Oberweis Micro-Cap Fund invests in companies with market capitalizations of less than $250 million, offering investors the opportunity to profit on the growth of companies in their earliest stages of development. This fund is closed to new investors.
Know that the Oberweis Mid-Cap Fund focuses on mid-cap companies with market capitilizations in the $500 million to $8 billion range. The intent of this fund is to capitalize on the growth of companies that are still expanding at a rapid pace.
Understand that the China Opportunities Fund focuses primarily on Chinese securities. This fund invests 80 percent of its assets in Chinese company equity securities, as well as equity securities from businesses with no less than 50 percent of their assets in China. Also included are companies that enjoy a minimum of 50 percent of their revenues from China.
Choosing a Fund
Visit OberweisFunds.com and review portfolio manager and holding information for the funds that interest you.
Click the links provided beneath each fund's description to view fund performance information, investment growth charts and fee and expense details.
Download fund fact sheets and an Oberweis mutual fund prospectus. You'll need to have Adobe Acrobat Reader installed on your computer to view these documents.
Decide how much you'd like to invest in Oberweis mutual funds and select the funds that suit your needs. The minimum investment for an Oberweis fund is $1,000 or $100 if you choose an automatic investment plan.
Download, print and mail a complete account application to Oberweis Funds. Be sure to enclose your minimum investment by check.
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