Sunday, October 12, 2008

Invest in Pioneer Mutual Funds

Since 1928, Pioneer Investments has been dedicated to offering investment solutions to individuals on a global basis. By partnering with financial companies and professionals around the globe, Pioneer has been able to deliver innovative investment services to clients far and wide. In addition to a range of other products and services, Pioneer offers equity, international, fixed-income and asset allocation mutual funds in which you can invest.

Get to Know the Pioneer Investment Approach

Understand that Pioneer's investment process relies on intensive research. Pioneer has teams of analysts located around the world, providing unique insight into a variety of markets and businesses.

Know that Pioneer values consistency in investing, maintaining and nurturing its approach and working to manage risk.

Recognize that Pioneer makes professional fund management a priority, striving to ensure that its financial professionals are both experienced and knowledgeable.

Types of Pioneer Mutual Funds

Know that Pioneer offers equity funds. These funds invest primarily in common stocks.

Recognize that Pioneer offers international and global funds. Global funds are an option for you if you want to invest in both the United States and foreign markets; international funds target foreign markets only.

Know that Pioneer fixed-income funds invest in fixed income securities, such as bonds and preferred stocks.

Understand that asset allocation funds provide an already diversified portfolio of investments. These funds may invest in a wide range of asset classes to meet investment goals.

Know that Pioneer also offers a range of closed-end funds. Though these funds are not open to new investors, shares can be purchased on the stock market.

Choose a Fund


Click the "Literature & Forms" link.

Select the "Download Literature" link.

Use the drop-down box to select the mutual funds that interest you.

Click the link for the fund's prospectus and download it using Adobe Acrobat Reader. Choose the prospectus that corresponds to the share class you prefer.

Determine the funds that best suit your needs.

Download a mutual fund application. Complete it and mail it to Pioneer, along with your minimum investment.

Tips & Warnings

  • You may be able to qualify for a reduced sales charge if you commit to investing at least $50,000 in a Pioneer equity fund in a 13-month period. If you are investing in bond funds, you'll need to invest $100,000 to enjoy this benefit.

1 comment:

Improvedliving said...

well this isnt the perfect time to invest i guess.
