Mutual funds are traditionally seen as a low-risk investment with comparatively high returns. If you are considering investing in Van Wagoner mutual funds, you should know that the company's general philosophy is based around higher expectations for fund performance. Van Wagoner Funds are perfect for the investor willing to take risks in the hope of high returns.
Get to Know Van Wagoner
Determine if your financial goals correspond with Van Wagoner's philosophy. In business since 1995, Van Wagoner invests in companies that have the potential to emerge as industry leaders.
Read the research provided. Van Wagoner prides itself on having up-to-date information available on the companies your investment will support.
Trust that Van Wagoner is on your side. All of the company's employees invest in its product, making your success a shared goal.
Determine Your Financial Goals
Decide whether you are investing for the short term or the long term and determine the objective behind your investment.
Manage your expectations. Although this company has a high-growth objective, the outcome can ultimately go in either direction.
Invest money that you will not need to access immediately. Van Wagoner offers high returns, but clearly states that you should sometimes expect significant lows as well.
Make the Investment
Find the homepage for Van Wagoner on a computer with secure Internet access.
Click on "The Funds" link to see the breakdown of the 3 available funds.
Read and take notes on the information provided for each fund.
Decide which fund will best meet your financial objectives. Consider the rates of risk and return, the companies your investment will support and how any fees will affect your earning potential.
Click on the "Open an Account" link found at the top of the page and download an application.
Fill out the application, sign it and send it to the address provided.
- Get to know your company. Mutual funds provide a diverse portfolio of stocks to help limit the volatility of your investment. Researching the companies included in your mutual fund is an excellent way to study individual stocks without making a high-risk commitment.
- Be certain that you have all the necessary information. Capital gains are taxable and there are typically fees associated with using a broker. Be certain that your investment expenses are balanced out with your return.
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