Saturday, October 25, 2008

Invest in Vontobel Mutual Funds

Getting involved in the investment world can seem like a difficult task if you know little or nothing about finance. Mutual funds have become one of the simplest ways to obtain a diversified portfolio that lessens your risk and offers comparatively high returns. The stability of these funds has made them a popular investment option with financial novices and veterans alike.

Determine Your Financial Goals

Decide on your personal financial goals. People invest in mutual funds for a variety of reasons. They may hope to use the gains for retirement or simply want to save for a down payment on a house.

Consider the implications of making a long-term investment. Your money will be tied-up and less accessible, so it's important for you to be certain that the financial gains are worth this loss of liquidity.

Weigh the pros and cons of a short-term investment. Mutual funds are typically a low-risk investment with a steady pay-out so if you are looking for a quick gain, mutual funds may not be your best short-term bet.

Make the Investment

Log on to a computer with Internet access and go to the Vontobel Asset Management homepage. Click on "Mutual Funds."

Follow the link to request information on the available mutual funds. The prospectus for each mutual fund will be mailed to you for your perusal.

Go over each prospectus in detail. Understand the tax and fee implications of each mutual fund, and calculate the potential rates of return.

Compare the data to determine which mutual fund is the best match for your financial objectives. Remember to take into consideration all of your initial reasons for investing.

Contact a broker to set up your deal. If you don't have a personal broker, speak with your bank or a trusted fellow investor for a recommendation.

Invest in the Vontobel mutual fund that's right for you.

Tips & Warnings

  • Do your research before you invest. Getting to know the companies that make up the Vontobel mutual funds is an excellent way for you to raise your financial awareness without becoming overwhelmed by the choices available to you.
  • Understand whether you are purchasing load or no-load mutual funds. A no-load fund means that you will not be charged the fees associated with a load fund.

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